Chapter 5
Constituents and word classes
Please divide the following NGT sentences into constituents. Use for every sentence the bracket model of example (10a) and also draw a tree diagram as in example (10b).
boy index 3a fast cycle.
‘The boy was cycling fast.’
professor english students index3 a teach.
‘The English professor is teaching the students’
book exact right be-present.
‘Exactly the right books are present.’
Note: Examples (a) and (b) may be a bit of a challenge for the students, as they include a pointing sign index within noun phrases, and the representation of this sign in a constituent structure has not been introduced. There are basically two options: either the student treats the index as a modifier, i.e. an adjective, or s/he realizes that it functions like a definite article and treats it as such (the label could then be “Art” or “Det” for determiner). In the latter case, it is not necessary to include a phrasal constituent (ArtP or DetP), but, of course, if the student does so, it is not wrong. In the structures below, we chose the article option. Also note that labelling the index as an adverbial would be wrong, as adverbials modify verbs or adjectives.
[ [ [boy]n [index 3a ]Art ]NP [ [ [fast] Adv ] AdvP [cycle]v ]vp ]s
[ [ [teacher]n [english]n ]np [ [ [students]n [index 3a]Art ]NP [teach]v ]vp ]s
[ [ [book]n [ [ [exact] Adv ] AdvP [right] Adj ] AdjP ]np [ [be-present]v ]vp ]s