Chapter 6
Syntax: simple sentences
Please identify and label the constituents in the following ASL sentence. What is special about the order in this sentence?
‘My sister bought three books.’
three book is a noun phrase that functions as direct object; poss1 sister is a noun phrase that functions as subject; buy is the verb. Both noun phrases contain a modifier, the numeral three and the possessive pronoun poss1 , respectively.
If presented in a bracketed structure (which, however, is not required here), the structure would be as follows (for the sake of simplicity, we treat the possessive pronoun as an adjective):
[ [ [ [three] Adj ]AdjP [book]n ]np [ [ [ [poss1] Adj ]AdjP [sister]n ]np [buy]v ]vp ]s
The order is special since the basic constituent order in ASL is SVO. In this sentence, however, the order is OSV. That is, we are dealing with a marked order. The non-manual marker ‘t’ indicates that this marked order results from topicalization of the object NP.