Chapter 6
Syntax: simple sentences
What is going on in the ASL sentence below? Please describe the structure of the utterance and the function of the topics based on the description of the examples in the chapter.
This sentence includes two topics marked by the non-manual marker ‘t’ and separated from each other and from the main clause by a slight pause (as indicated by the commas). In fact, the clause following the topics ( index 3a prefer artichoke ) is a complete and well-formed sentence on its own. The first topic is identical to (or co-referential with) the subject of the sentence, that is, the second index refers back to the subject john. The second topic also bears a relation with an argument within the is following clause, but this relation is of a different nature, as the topic vegetable is semantically superordinate to the clause-internal object artichoke (see Section 8.6 for semantic relations).
The structure of the sentence is: Topic(Subj) – Topic(Obj) – S – V – O.