Chapter 6
Syntax: simple sentences
Create three sentences in a sign language you know in which the constituent [table index 3] ‘this table’ performs different functions (argument/adjunct) and (for the argument function) different grammatical roles.
This exercise is intended to practice the different functions and grammatical roles. The below examples are from NGT. As for the argument function, the student is expected to provide an example in which the constituent functions as subject (a) and one in which it functions as direct object (b). An additional option would be an example in which it functions as a locative object (c). An example in which table index 3 functions as adjunct (i.e. it is an optional addition) is provided in (d). Note that in both (c) and (d), the table functions as a location, but only in (c), the specification of the location is obligatory.
[table index3] blue (argument, subject)
‘This table is blue.’
yesterday index1 [table index3] buy (argument, direct object)
‘Yesterday I bought this table.’
[table index3] man book put3 (argument, locative object)
‘The man puts a book on this table.’
[table index3] under child++ play (adjunct)
‘The children are playing under the table.’