Chapter 8

Assignment 6

Describe the metaphors being used in the following signs.


DGS ‘disappoint’


Polish SL ‘fail’


TID ‘die’


ASL ‘admire’

DGS: disappoint: downward movement motivated by the metaphor NEGATIVE IS DOWN.
PolishSL: fail: it could be argued that the downward movement on the left hand is also motivated by NEGATIVE IS DOWN. However, the right hand moves up, which does not fit the metaphor; so the metaphorical motivation is less clear. Maybe another metaphor can be held responsible for the opposing movement of the two hands?
TİD: die: Legs-classifier handshape is turned over. Lakoff & Johnson (1980) propose the orientational metaphor SICKNESS AND DEATH ARE DOWN (as in English ‘He fell ill’ or ‘He dropped dead’), and the shape of the sign most certainly represents a person falling.
ASL: admire: Movement is most probably motivated by another orientational metaphor, namely POWER / HIGH STATUS IS UP. Since the sign involves handshapes also found in see, the metaphorical motivation is reminiscent of English ‘to look up to’.