Non-verbal communication (NVC) has been envisaged in this review mainly from a (broad) pragmatic/linguistic perspective, more specifically from that of several language sciences (see §3–6). Naturally other, non-linguistic views could be adopted and indeed have been adopted (see §2), and many topics are covered at the same time by different (sub)disciplines. The option chosen here does not neglect these cross-sections but seeks to assess the amount of work that has (or has not) been done in NVC in relation to their relevance for linguistics and pragmatics. Because of this choice of approach only works concerned with face-to-face interaction are discussed, and special attention is paid to gesture. General topics such as conceptions and definitions of NVC (§1.1–1.2), (sub)categories (§1.3) and functions (§1.4) are reviewed at the beginning of the text, while theoretical models (§7.1) and methodological remarks (§7.2) are studied in later sections.
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