Phatic communion
Table of contents
In the first supplement to C. K. Ogden’s & I. A. Richard’s The meaning of meaning, Bronislaw Malinowski discusses ‘The problem of meaning in primitive languages’. Three years after his first explicitly linguistic paper on ‘Classificatory particles in the language of Kiriwina’ (Malinowski 1920) and 12 years before the publication of the second volume of his book Coral gardens and their magic (Malinowski 1935), where he presents his ‘Ethnographic theory of language’, this is the second primarily linguistic paper of the master of Trobriand ethnography, who emphasized from the very beginning of his research the importance of linguistics for anthropology in general and for ethnography in particular (see e.g. Malinowski: 1915: 501; 1922: 1–25).
Bauman, R.
Brown, P. & S.C. Levinson
1978 Universals in language usage. In E.N. Goody (ed.) Questions and politeness: 56–289. Cambridge University Press. BoP
Crystal, D.
Coulmas, F.
Duranti, A. & C. Goodwin
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. & G. Senft
Ehlich, K.
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Gardner, P.
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Huxley, J.
Hymes, D.H.
Jakobson, R.
Laver, J.
1975 Communicative functions of phatic communion. In A. Kendon, R.M. Harris & M.R. Key (eds.) Organization of behavior in face-to-face interaction: 215–238. Mouton. BoP 

Lyons, J.
Malinowski, B.
1936 The problem of meaning in primitive languages. In C.K. Ogden & I.A. Richards, The meaning of meaning, [1923], Supplement I: 296–336. Kegan Paul. BoP
Sapir, E.
1949 Language. In D. Mandelbaum (ed.) Selected writings of Edward Sapir: 7–32. University of California Press. BoP
Senft, G.
1987 Rituelle Kommunikation auf den Trobriand Inseln. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 65: 105–130. BoP
1991 Prolegomena to the pragmatics of ‘situational-intentional’ varieties in Kilivila language. In J. Verschueren (ed.) Levels of linguistic adaptation: 235–248. John Benjamins.