Frames as a framework for terminology

Pamela Faber
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“Frame-based Terminology” (FBT) is a cognitive approach to terminology, which directly links specialized knowledge representation to cognitive linguistics and semantics (Faber 2011 , 2012). As such, it shares many of the same premises as Cabré Castellví’s (1993, 1999) “Communicative Theory of Terminology” and Temmerman’s (2000, 2001) “Sociocognitive Theory of Terminology”, which also study terms by analysing their behaviour in texts. However, FBT differs from these approaches in that its methodology combines premises from psychological and linguistic models and theories such as the “Lexical Grammar Model” (Faber and Mairal 1999 ; Martín Mingorance 1989, 227–253), “Frame Semantics” (Fillmore 1985, 222–254; Fillmore 2006, 373–400), the “Generative Lexicon” (Pustejovsky 1995) and “Situated Cognition” (Barsalou 2003 , 2008, 618–623).

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