Domain specificity
Table of contents
The act of sharing and re-using knowledge represents a major research area in the information society, establishing a direct and twofold connection with terminology, which, due to its very nature, is necessarily present in every scientific field. Although it is possible to distinguish the several processes of classification, organization and representation of knowledge, their natural intertwining prevents us from delineating an exact context of use. Perhaps the wisest thing to do would be to consider the purpose, as these processes can be applied to several conceptualization and specification needs. Regardless of the tools that are chosen, however, the multi-disciplinary nature of the task is evident.
Antia, Bassey E
Budin, Gerhard
Cabré Castellví, M. Teresa
Cabré Castellví, M. Teresa. Cabré, M. T
Cabré Castellví, M. Teresa
Clancey, William J
Conceição, Manuel Célio
Costa, Rute
2001 “Pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos para a extracção automática de unidades terminológicas multilexémicas.” PhD diss., Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Cruse, D. A
Gruber, Thomas R
ISO 704
ISO 1087-1
L’Homme, Marie Claude
Musen, Mark A
Myking, Johan, and Heribert Picht
Roche, Christophe
Sager, Juan C
Santos, Claudia
Soares, António Lucas and Carla Sofia Pereira
2008 “Ontology development in collaborative networks as a process of social construction of meaning.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Proceedings of the OTM Confederated International Workshops and Posters on On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems.
Temmerman, Rita
2000 Towards New Ways of Terminological Description. The Socio-cognitive approach. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Wüster, Eugen