Translation anthologies, as a subcategory of anthologies, are configurated corpora of translated texts. They result from a three-step process of collecting, selecting and displaying those texts with the two main purposes of either storing and preserving a certain heritage within a specific topic (a literary genre, an author, a subject, a literary period, etc. or a combination of some of these) or of introducing innovation and change in the literary polysystem of a given culture. Although considered “indispensable for the study of translation and literary culture”, translation anthologies have been largely overlooked in Translation Studies research (Frank 1998: 13). The interest in anthologies was inaugurated in the 1990s within the famous Sonderforschungsbereich ‘Die literarische Übersetzung’ based at the University of Göttingen and acquired a new impulse recently with Baubeta (2007) and earlier with Korte (Korte et al. 2000).
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2000“Anthologizing English poetry for German students.” In Korteet al. (eds), 241–249.
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Schneider, Ralf
2000Of Love, Cats and Football: Popular Anthologies in Britain Today – Between Culture and Commodity?In Korteet al. (eds), 289–307.
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Toury, Gideon
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Toury, Gideon
2003“Culture planning and translation.” In Translation Translation, Susan Petrilli (ed.), 399–412. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. TSB
Venuti, Lawrence
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