Suulise tõlke uuringud [Interpreting Studies]
tõlkinud Kertu Paas, Avely Põder, Andrus Lauringson & Katrin Kõpp
Suulise tõlke uuringud on akadeemiline distsipliin, mille uurimisobjekt on suuline tõlge. Nime ja olemuse mõttes on see lähedalt seotud kirjaliku tõlke uuringutega ja kuna suulist tõlget loetakse üheks tõlketegevuse vormiks, saab suulise tõlke uuringuid vaadelda ka osana laiemast valdkonnast, tõlketeadusest (Translation studies). Samas teevad valdkonna areng ning selle interdistsiplinaarsed allikad ja harud suulise tõlke uuringutest selgelt eristuva teadusharu, mis kajastub ka selle mudelites, meetodites ja nende aluseks olevas kutsealases suunitluses.
Kasutatud allikad
2002 Interpreter Workload Study — Full Report. [Accessed 1 March 2010].
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2004 Revisiting the Interpreter’s Role: A Study of Conference, Court, and Medical Interpreters in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. BoP
Barik, Henri C.
Bühler, Hildegund
Chernov, Ghelly V.
2004 Inference and Anticipation in Simultaneous Interpreting: A Probability-Prediction Model. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. BoP
Garzone, Giuliana & Viezzi, Maurizio
Gerver, David
1971 Aspects of Simultaneous Interpretation and Human Information Processing. D Phil thesis, Oxford University.
Gerver, David & Sinaiko, H. Wallace
Gile, Daniel
1994 “Opening up in interpretation studies.” In Translation Studies — an Interdiscipline, M. Snell-Hornby, F. Pöchhacker & K. Kaindl (eds), 149–158. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. TSB
[1997] 2002 “Conference interpreting as a cognitive management problem.” In The Interpreting Studies Reader, F. Pöchhacker & M. Shlesinger (eds), 163–176. London/New York: Routledge. TSB
Hale, Sandra B.
2004 The Discourse of Court Interpreting: Discourse Practices of the Law, the Witness and the Interpreter. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. BoP
Herbert, Jean
Holmes, James S.
1972/2000 “The name and nature of Translation Studies.” In The Translation Studies Reader, L. Venuti (ed.), 172–185. London/New York: Routledge. TSB
Inghilleri, Moira
2005 “Mediating zones of uncertainty: Interpreter agency, the interpreting habitus and political asylum adjudication.” The Translator 11 (1): 69–85. TSB
Kade, Otto
Kohn, Kurt & Kalina, Sylvia
Kurz, Ingrid
1993/2002 “Conference interpretation: Expectations of different user groups.” In The Interpreting Studies Reader, F. Pöchhacker & M. Shlesinger (eds), 313–324. London/New York: Routledge. TSB
Mackintosh, Jennifer
Moser, Barbara
Moser, Peter
Oléron, Pierre & Nanpon, Hubert
Pöchhacker, Franz
Roy, Cynthia B.
Salevsky, Heidemarie
Sanz, Jesús
Seleskovitch, Danica
[1968] 1978 Interpreting for International Conferences. (Trans. Stephanie Dailey & E. Norman McMillan). Washington, DC: Pen & Booth. TSB
Seleskovitch, Danica & Lederer, Marianne
1989/2002 (2nd edition). Pédagogie raisonnée de l’interprétation. Paris/Brussels: Didier Érudition/OPOCE. TSB
Setton, Robin
1999 Simultaneous Interpretation: A Cognitive-Pragmatic Analysis. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. TSB
Shlesinger, Miriam
2000 “Interpreting as a cognitive process: How can we know what really happens?” In Tapping and Mapping the Processes of Translation and Interpreting, S. Tirkkonen-Condit & R. Jääskeläinen (eds), 3–15. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. TSB
Tommola, Jorma, Laine, Matti J., Sunnari, Marianna & Rinne, Juha O.
Wadensjö, Cecilia