Book review
Paul Chavy. Traducteurs d'autrefois. Moyen âge et Renaissance: Dictionnaire des traducteurs et de la littérature traduite en ancien et moyen français (842-1600)
Paris-Genève: Champion/Slatkine, 1988. 1544 pp. ISBN 2-05-101007-2 sFr 260.-

Reviewed by Theo Hermans
Table of contents

    It may well be symptomatic of the present state of translation studies—a discipline busy pulling itself up by its own bootstraps—that the preface to a reference work of this size and scope should still open on a defensive note, with an assertion of the importance of literary translation for literary history and a reminder that although translated literature is necessarily "du second degré" it is not therefore "de second ordre". An alternative explanation would be that even the obvious needs restating every now and again.

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