Volume 1, Issue 1 (1989)
On Target’s Targetspp. 1–7
In Search of a Target Language: The Politics of Theatre Translation in QuebecAnnie Brisset | pp. 9–27
Genre Analysis and the TranslatorCarl James | pp. 29–41
Models of the Translation Process: Claim and RealityWolfgang Lörscher | pp. 43–68
Wittgenstein, Translation, and SemioticsDinda L. Gorlée | pp. 69–94
Plato, Bacon and the Puritan Apothecary: The Case of Nicholas CulpeperL.G. Kelly | pp. 95–109
Extending the Theory of Translation to Interpretation: Norms as a Case in PointMiriam Shlesinger | pp. 111–115
Bibliographie : Traductions et CulturesJosé Lambert | pp. 117–121
Paul Chavy. Traducteurs d'autrefois. Moyen âge et Renaissance: Dictionnaire des traducteurs et de la littérature traduite en ancien et moyen français (842-1600)Reviewed by Theo Hermans | pp. 123–125
Mary Snell-Hornby, ed. ZüriLEX '86 Proceedings: Papers read at the EURALEX International Congress, University of Zürich, 9-14 September 1986Reviewed by R.R.K. Hartmann | pp. 126–128
Review article
Book reviews