Book review
Martin Sutton. The Sin-Complex: A Critical Study of English Versions of the Grimm’s Kinder- und Hausmärchen in the Nineteenth Century
Kassel: Brüder Grimm-Gesellschaft, 1996. viii + 352 + 8 of illustrations pp. ISBN 3-929633-28-0 DM 98,-. (Schriften der Brüder Grimm-Gesellschaft, 28).

Reviewed by Cay Dollerup
Table of contents

For all its weaknesses, this is the book which we shall have to consider the authoritative work on English translations of the Kinder- und Hausmärchen (henceforth the Tales) of the brothers Grimm in the nineteenth century. It breaks new ground in describing the English translations of the most popular work of German literature, but it is not truly satisfactory: there are too many idiosyncrasies, too many imbalances, and too many details which are not handled adroitly.

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Rölleke, Heinz
1985Die Märchen der Brüder Grimm. Zürich: Artemis.Google Scholar