Volume 10, Issue 2 (1998)
Causes, Translations, EffectAndrew Chesterman | pp. 201–230
What Is a Translating Translator Doing?Brian Mossop | pp. 231–266
Compensation and the Brief in a Non-Literary Translation: Theoretical Implications and Pedagogical ApplicationsKeith Harvey | pp. 267–290
A Register-Based Translation Evaluation: An Advertisement as a Case in PointErich Steiner | pp. 291–318
Quantities in Translation: English vs. Greek PressMaria Sidiropoulou | pp. 319–333
Oedipus und die Folgen: Die Metaphorik der TranslationswissenschaftRenate Resch | pp. 335–351
“Communication Societies”: Comments on Even-Zohar’s “Making of Culture Repertoire”José Lambert | pp. 353–356
Note on a Repertoire for Seeing CulturesAnthony Pym | pp. 357–361
Some Replies to Lambert and PymItamar Even-Zohar | pp. 363–369
Martin Sutton. The Sin-Complex: A Critical Study of English Versions of the Grimm’s Kinder- und Hausmärchen in the Nineteenth CenturyReviewed by Cay Dollerup | pp. 371–377
Douglas Robinson. Translation and TabooReviewed by Péter Dávidházi | pp. 377–382
Erich Feldweg. Der Konferenzdolmetscher im internationalen KommunikationsprozeßReviewed by Franz Pöchhacker | pp. 383–386
Hans J. Vermeer. Übersetzen als Utopie: Die Übersetzungstheorie des Walter Bendix Schoenflies BenjaminReviewed by Marilyn Gaddis Rose | pp. 386–389
Michel Ballard & Lieven D’hulst, éds. La Traduction en France à l’âge classique.Compte rendu par Wim de Vos | pp. 389–391
Wilhelm Graeber. Der englische Roman in Frankreich: 1741–1763. Übersetzungsgeschichte als Beitrag zur französischen LiteraturgeschichteCompte rendu par Jan Herman | pp. 392–395
Christoph Gutknecht & Lutz J. Rölle. Translating by FactorsReviewed by Anthony Pym | pp. 397–399
Sue Ellen Wright & Gerhard Budin, comps. Handbook of Terminology Management, Vol. 1: Basic Aspects of Terminology ManagementReviewed by Ernest Eylenbosch | pp. 399–400
John O’Brien. Anacreon redivivus: A Study of Anacreontic Translation in Mid-Sixteenth-Century FranceCompte rendu par Monique Mund-Dopchie | pp. 400–402
Other Books Receivedpp. 403–404
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