Book review
Erich Feldweg. Der Konferenzdolmetscher im internationalen Kommunikationsprozeß
Heidelberg: Julius Groos, 1996. xxxii + 492 pp. ISBN 3-87276-760-7 DM 62.-.

Table of contents

Erich Feldweg's is the first scholarly monograph on conference interpreting published originally in German. Unlike Herbert's (1952) pioneering Manuel de l'interprète and Seleskovitch's (1968) classic L'interprète dans les conférences internationales, whose translation into German became available in 1988 from Feldweg's publisher Julius Groos, the book under review is the result of an academic research effort submitted as a doctoral dissertation to the School of Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. And yet, Feldweg's extensive book has as much in common with Herbert's and Seleskovitch's seminal works as with other dissertations on conference interpreting, including and especially those published in German. What sets Feldweg's study apart is not so much the fact that it is concerned with both consecutive and simultaneous interpreting, but essentially the theoretical and methodological framework(s) within which it is carried out.

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