New books at a glance
Sue Ellen Wright & Gerhard Budin, comps. Handbook of Terminology Management, Vol. 1: Basic Aspects of Terminology Management
Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997. xiv + 370 pp. ISBN Eur. 90 272 2145 5 / US 1-55619-508-7 Hfl. 165,-; USD 94.00

Reviewed by Ernest Eylenbosch
Table of contents

The book under review is the first volume of two. As a matter of fact, the table of contents (pp. v-x) lists the sections and chapters of the two volumes together. However, the present review will confine itself to Volume 1, which deals with Basic Aspects of Terminology Management. The compilers of Volume 1 are Sue Ellen Wright, Associate Professor at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, and Gerhard Budin, Research Associate and Lecturer at the University of Vienna.

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