Book review
Yves Gambier & Henrik Gottlieb, eds. (Multi) mediatranslation: Concepts, practices, and research
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2001. xx + 298 pp. ISBN 90 272 1639 8 (Eur.) / 1 58811 088 5 (US)

Reviewed by Marta Mateo
Oviedo, Spain
Table of contents

With new electronic developments and the internationalization of discourse, and with its systematic interaction between verbal and non-verbal codes, media communication has radically altered the practice and the concept of translation and, inevitably, research in the field. In Translation Studies, a new concept has emerged: “multimedia translation”, which made it clear that translation cannot be—is hardly ever—confined to the level of language, not even to that of culture. The challenges are now not only cultural and linguistic, but also economic, social, technological, political, even industrial since “new technologies result in new ways of organising work and competencies” (Cattrysse 1997: 85).

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