Volume 14, Issue 2 (2002)
Translationese – a myth or an empirical fact? A study into the linguistic identifiability of translated languageSonja Tirkkonen-Condit | pp. 207–220
Translation processes in timeHella Breedveld | pp. 221–240
He said, she said: Controlling illocutionary force in the translation of literary dialogueJulian Bourne | pp. 241–261
The double conversion of Ben-Hur : A case of manipulative translationNitsa Ben-Ari | pp. 263–301
Approaches to the translation of children’s literature: A review of critical studies since 1960Reinbert Tabbert | pp. 303–351
Pragmatic analysis as a methodology: A reply to Gile’s review of Setton (1999)Robin Setton | pp. 353–360
Corpus studies and other animalsDaniel Gile | pp. 361–363
Yves Gambier & Henrik Gottlieb, eds. (Multi) mediatranslation: Concepts, practices, and researchReviewed by Marta Mateo | pp. 365–370
Douglas Robinson. Who translates?: Translator subjectivities beyond reasonReviewed by Luise von Flotow | pp. 370–374
Birgitta Englund Dimitrova & Kenneth Hyltenstam, eds. Language processing and simultaneous interpreting: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Papers presented at the International Symposium on Language Processing and Interpreting, held in Stockholm in February 1997Reviewed by Sylvia Kalina | pp. 374–378
Paul Kussmaul. Kreatives ÜbersetzenReviewed by Ulrich Kautz | pp. 379–383
Cristina Carneiro Rodrigues. Tradução e diferençaReviewed by John Milton | pp. 384–387
Jeremy Munday. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and applicationsCompte rendu par Yves Gambier | pp. 388–392
Katharina Reiss. Translation criticism: The potentials and limitations. Categories and criteria for translation quality assessmentReviewed by Christiane Nord | pp. 393–395
Ann Beylard-Ozeroff, Jana Králová & Barbara Moser-Mercer, eds. Translators’ strategies and creativity: Selected papers from the 9th International Conference on Translation and Interpreting, Prague, September 1995Reviewed by Andrew Chesterman | pp. 395–397
Catherine Bocquet. L’art de la traduction selon Martin Luther oulors-que le traducteur se fait missionnaireCompte rendu par Hans-Wolfgang Schneiders | pp. 397–399
Isabel García Izquierdo. Análisis textual aplicado a la traducciónReviewed by Christiane Nord | pp. 400–402
Other books receivedpp. 403–405
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