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Brian Mossop. Revising and editing for translators
Manchester, UK & Northampton, MA: St Jerome, 2001. xviii + 177 pp. ISBN 1-900650-45-2 £ 15 / $ 26.50 (Translation Practices Explained).

Reviewed by Edwin Gentzler
Massachusetts, Amherst
Table of contents

    In the age of globalization, computer reproduction, and telecommunications, the field of translation is changing rapidly. In an effort to save time and money, many international translation agencies are shifting much of the editing and revising of translations from the editorial and production staff to translators and translation managers. Some see this shift as threatening: an increased workload for translators with little increase in pay. Others see it as empowering: translators becoming increasingly involved in the layout and appearance of the final product. However one views it, the change is coming, and translators and translation teachers will soon have to become adept at editing and revising.

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