Volume 15, Issue 1 (2003)
Multiple-entry visa to travelling theory: Retranslations of literary and cultural theoriesŞebnem Susam-Sarajeva | pp. 1–36
What happened to God and the angels: An exercise in translational stylisticsKirsten Malmkjær | pp. 37–58
How frequent are the contractions? A study of contracted forms in the Translational English CorpusMaeve Olohan | pp. 59–89
Translating poetic songs: An attempt at a functional account of strategiesPeter Low | pp. 91–110
Investigating explanations of translational phenomena: A case for multiple causalitySiobhan Brownlie | pp. 111–152
Allison Beeby, Doris Ensinger & Marisa Presas, eds. Investigating translation: Selected papers from the 4th International Congress on Translation, Barcelona, 1998.Reviewed by Zuzana Jettmarová | pp. 153–158
Susan Bassnett, Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli & Margherita Ulrych, eds. Translation Studies revisitedReviewed by Sergia Adamo | pp. 158–160
Umberto Eco. Experiences in translationReviewed by Bart Van den Bossche | pp. 161–164
Rosa Rabadán, ed. Traducción y censura inglés–español: 1939–1985. Estudio preliminar.Reviewed by Jeroen Vandaele | pp. 164–169
Franz Pöchhacker. Dolmetschen: Konzeptuelle Grundlagen und deskriptive UntersuchungenReviewed by Daniel Gile | pp. 169–172
Arturo Tosi. Language and society in a changing ItalyReviewed by Stefano Arduini | pp. 173–176
Antonio Bueno García. Publicidad y traducciónReviewed by Cristina Valdés | pp. 176–179
Veljka Ruzicka Kenfel, Celia Vázquez García & Lourdes Lorenzo García, eds. Literatura Infantil y Juvenil: Tendencias actuales en investigaciónReviewed by Luis Pegenaute | pp. 180–183
Brian Mossop. Revising and editing for translatorsReviewed by Edwin Gentzler | pp. 185–187
Panayiotis Goutsos, ed. & tr. Translation discourse: A contemporary translation theory reader [in Greek]Reviewed by Alexandra Lianeri | pp. 187–189
Michel Ballard. Le nom propre en traductionCompte rendu par Jean Peeters | pp. 189–190
Roger Ellis & Liz Oakley-Brown, eds. Translation and nation: Towards a cultural politics of EnglishnessReviewed by Joanne M. Collie | pp. 191–193
Zoé De Linde & Neil Kay. The semiotics of subtitlingReviewed by Heidi Heikkinen and Dinda L. Gorlée | pp. 193–195
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