Book review
Fabio Alves, ed. Triangulating translation: Perspectives in process oriented research
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2003. x + 163 pp. ISBN 90-272-1651-7 (Eur.) € 85./ 1-58811-429-5 (US) $ 85. (Benjamins Translation Library, 45).

Reviewed by Riitta Jääskeläinen
Table of contents

The volume contains seven articles based on conference papers presented in the Second Brazilian International Translators’ Forum “Translating the millennium: Corpora, cognition, and culture”. They deal with process-oriented translation research and combine different methods and vantage points. The unifying [ p. 162 ]theme is triangulation: the application of several methods of data collection and analysis to arrive at more reliable findings about translation processes.

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