Book review“Borrowed plumage”: Polemical essays on translation Amsterdam-New York, NY: Rodopi, 2003. 197 pp. ISBN 90-420-0854-7 € 40 / USD. 48 (Approaches to Translation Studies, 19). .
Table of contents
Eugene Eoyang’s second book on translation (his first was The transparent eye, 1993) is of rather uneven quality, reflecting the fact that he has collected together both lectures and previously published papers, and that these works [ p. 187 ]stretch over a decade (1990–2000) rather than being the result of a concentrated effort. There are several fine essays (I particularly enjoyed Chapters 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, and 10), but not all of the essays are of such high quality, and the last of the four sections, “Divertissements” is rather light fare for a scholarly work, possibly included to fill out what otherwise would have been a rather slim volume. Still, the collection makes available several fine essays which the student of translation might find hard to track down otherwise.