Book review
Xoán Montero Domínguez, ed. El doblaje. Nuevas vías de investigación [Dubbing. New avenues for research]
(Interlingua 163). Granada: Comares, 2017. xi, 118 pp.

Reviewed by Jesús Meiriño-Gómez
Publication history
Table of contents

Montero Domínguez’s edited volume is a very welcome contribution to the growing, though so far scarce, literature that seeks to build bridges between film studies (FS) and audiovisual translation (AVT), and also between academia and industry. It delivers by bringing together contributions by long-time FS professionals as well as established scholars in translation studies (TS) and philology. El doblaje. Nuevas vías de investigación, which consists of a preface, an introduction and eight self-contained chapters, combines well-grounded theoretical papers and descriptive contributions stemming from both research and professional practice. All but two chapters share the same structure: an introduction precedes the main sections, and these are followed by a conclusion and a bibliography. The description in the blurb provides readers with a glimpse of the book. The volume, we are told, “offers a fresh perspective covering the different stages of this process [the dubbing process] […] with the ultimate goal of opening up new avenues for research in a field that is of interest to both professionals and researchers” (my translation from Spanish). Yet, there is no explicit reference, either here or in the introduction, to the target readership.

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