Book review
Harald Kittel, ed. Die literarische Übersetzung: Stand und Perspekti ven ihrer Erforschung.
Harald Kittel. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 1988. XIII + 239 pp. (Göttinger BeiträgezurInternationalen Übersetzungsforschung, Bd. 2). ISBN 3-503-02291-0 DM 42,-

Reviewed by Dirk De Geest
Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research, K.U. Leuven
Table of contents

In the last 25 years, the investigation of literary translation has gradually developed into a major branch within literary studies. This growing interest for translational phenomena is largely due to recent tendencies in literary historiography which have rightly stressed the relevance of imported and/or translated texts for the structure and the evolution of specific, so-called "national" literatures. Indeed, translated texts often function as exemplary models for both the production and the evaluation of literary texts and text models (genres).

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