Can a corpus-driven lexical analysis of human and machine translation unveil discourse features that set them apart?

Ana Frankenberg-Garcia


There is still much to learn about the ways in which human and machine translation differ with regard to the contexts that regulate the production and interpretation of discourse. The present study explores whether a corpus-driven lexical analysis of human and machine translation can unveil discourse features that set the two apart. A balanced corpus of source texts aligned with authentic, professional translations and neural machine translations was compiled for the study. Lexical discrepancies in the two translation corpora were then extracted via a corpus-driven keyword analysis, and examined qualitatively through parallel concordances of source texts aligned with human and machine translation. The study shows that keyword analysis not only reiterates known problems of discourse in machine translation such as lexical inconsistency and pronoun resolution, but can also provide valuable insights regarding contextual aspects of translated discourse deserving further research.

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Despite the remarkable advances in machine translation (MT) over the past years, a known limitation of MT is that it still operates predominantly at the level of sentences viewed independently of one another. As a result, sentences that appear to be correct on their own may not fit well into a paragraph or a document because of problems such as incorrect pronoun selection or lexical inconsistency. For example, it is not uncommon to see a feminine noun in one sentence being referred to by a masculine pronoun in an adjacent sentence, or for a word to be translated in different ways throughout a document.

In response to this challenge, there has been a growing body of research devoted to addressing supra-sentential linguistic dependencies within texts (e.g., Carpuat and Simard 2012Carpuat, Marine, and Michel Simard 2012 “The Trouble with SMT Consistency.” In Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Montréal, Canada, 7–8 June, edited by Chris Callison-Burch, Philipp Koehn, Christof Monz, Matt Post, Radu Soricut, and Lucia Specia, 442–449. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics. DOI logoGoogle Scholar; Guillou 2013Guillou, Liane 2013 “Analysing Lexical Consistency in Translation.” In Proceedings of the Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation, Soa, Bulgaria, 9 August, edited by Bonnie Webber, Andrei Popescu-Belis, Katja Markert, and Jörg Tiedemann, 10–18. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics. https://​www​.aclweb​.org​/anthology​/W13​-3302​.pdf; Hardmeier 2014Hardmeier, Christian 2014Discourse in Statistical Machine Translation. PhD diss. Uppsala University.Google Scholar; Webber, Popescu-Belis, and Tiedemann 2017Webber, Bonnie, Andrei Popescu-Belis, and Jörg Tiedemann eds. 2017Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation, Copenhagen, Denmark, 8 September. https://​www​.aclweb​.org​/anthology​/W17​-4800; Popescu-Belis et al. 2019Popescu-Belis, Andrei, Sharid Loáiciga, Christian Hardmeier, and Deyi Xiong eds. 2019Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation, Hong Kong, China, 3 November. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics. https://​www​.aclweb​.org​/anthology​/volumes​/D19​-65/). At the same time, Läubli, Sennrich, and Volk (2018Läubli, Samuel, Rico Sennrich, and Martin Volk 2018 “Has Machine Translation Achieved Human Parity? A Case for Document-Level Evaluation.” In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Brussels, Belgium, 31 October – 4 November, edited by Ellen Riloff, David Chiang, Julia Hockenmaier, and Jun’ichi Tsujii, 4791–4796. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics. DOI logo, 4791) point out that to assess the quality of MT, there is a growing need to “shift towards document-level evaluation.” This is because improvements in supra-sentential links cannot be detected in systems that only evaluate the quality of individual sentences.

One aspect of MT discourse research and evaluation that has received less attention is the question of how texts and their translations are shaped by the contexts in which they occur. This study explores whether a corpus-driven lexical analysis can provide insights into how discourse produced by human translation (HT) and MT differ, drawing attention to not only known issues regarding links between sentences, but also to more elusive problems affecting the contexts that regulate the production and interpretation of texts.


A text is only coherent if its readers can activate the knowledge needed to make it coherent. As De Beaugrande and Dressler (1981De Beaugrande, Robert, and Wolfgang Dressler 1981Introduction to Text Linguistics. London: Longman. DOI logoGoogle Scholar, 12) explain, “a text does not make sense by itself, but rather by the interaction of text-presented knowledge with people’s stored knowledge of the world.” Catford (1965)Catford, John C. 1965A Linguistic Theory of Translation: An Essay in Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Google Scholar refers to the strictly linguistic environment of words in texts as co-text, and to the broader, world-knowledge-dependent way in which words are presented by the producers and interpreted by the recipients of texts as context. In this sense, pronouns, lexical repetition, connectives, and other cohesive devices typically addressed in MT discourse research are primarily co-textual. Context, on the other hand, hinges on knowledge-dependent factors affecting how language users produce and interpret words in texts (van Dijk 1977Van Dijk, Teun A. 1977Text and Context: Explorations in the Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse. Harlow: Longman.Google Scholar).

At this juncture, it is important to note that the term ‘context’ has been typically used in MT papers to denote what is being referred to here, from the viewpoint of Translation Studies, as ‘co-text’. To be completely clear, in this paper ‘context’ is not about adjacent words or sentences in a document (this is ‘co-text’), but rather about external factors affecting how words are interpreted in texts. For example, the abbreviation ‘MT’ is a co-textual element of cohesion in this text because it is a term that is consistently used throughout the paper, linking what is said in one sentence with what is stated in other sentences further along. However, ‘MT’ can only be used coherently from an external, contextual perspective because of my world-knowledge assumption that the use of an abbreviation in brackets after its full form is first mentioned means that readers will henceforth recognise that in this text ‘MT’ is being used to refer to ‘machine translation’.

In translation, it is important to acknowledge that source- and target-language recipients may not always share the same contextual knowledge that is necessary to make sense of co-textual cues in texts. The use of brackets mentioned above is a standard convention in most written languages, so it can be assumed that it would not be a problem in translation. However, some world-knowledge assumptions are less universal. For example, in a recent news item about a Lisbon football club published in a Portuguese newspaper, the club was referred to as Sporting (the name of the club), os Leões ‘the Lions’, a equipa leonina ‘the lion club’, os verdes e brancos ‘the green and white’, and os lisboetas ‘the Lisboners’. The reporter’s expectation was that the readers of the newspaper could activate the contextual knowledge needed to understand that all five terms refer to the same entity, and thus make sense of the co-textual links between them. However, a direct translation of this news piece into another language would lack coherence if the intended target-language readers did not know that Sporting football club’s symbol is a lion, that their colours are green and white, and that the club is from Lisbon.

The above example illustrates why mirroring the co-textual cohesive devices of source texts may not always work in translation. In Translation Studies, there has been considerable interest in the ways in which translators mediate discourse, adapting it to target readerships. As House (2006House, Juliane 2006 “Text and Context in Translation.” Journal of Pragmatics 38 (3): 338–358. DOI logoGoogle Scholar, 356) explains, translation involves recontextualisation, which means “taking a text out of its original frame and context and placing it within a new set of relationships and culturally conditioned expectations.” When professional translators choose their words, they are trained to consider not just linguistic equivalence and document-level consistency, but also contextual factors such as the purpose of the translation and the target readership. For example, in a translation from English into Portuguese, should ‘70 miles’ be translated literally into 70 milhas? Or should the value be converted into kilometres for readers from Brazil and Portugal, where the metric system is used? If the latter, should the exact conversion value of ‘112.65 km’ be given, or would the approximation ‘around 110 km’ be more appropriate? Or should the original distance in miles be preserved and the metric conversion given in brackets? These are all possible scenarios, but it is not reasonable to decide which strategy to use without contextual information about who and what the translation is for.

When it comes to generic MT, however, the training data used in its development does not normally take translation context into account.11.Note, however, that customised MT trained on domain-specific data can focus on specific contexts. For example, a medical MT engine can be trained to render ‘theatre’ in the sense of ‘operating theatre’ rather than in the sense of ‘movie theatre’. According to Koehn and Schroeder (2007Koehn, Philipp, and Josh Schroeder 2007 “Experiments in Domain Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation.” In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Prague, Czech Republic, 23 June, 224–227. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics. DOI logo, 224), such data “is typically collected opportunistically from wherever it is available.” This leaves little room for factoring in how external context has motivated different translation decisions. Moreover, in widely used open-access training data sources like Europarl (Koehn 2005Koehn, Philipp 2005 “Europarl: A Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation.” In Proceedings of the Tenth Machine Translation Summit, Phuket, Thailand, 12–16 September, 79–86. Tokyo: Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation. https://​homepages​.inf​.ed​.ac​.uk​/pkoehn​/publications​/europarl​-mtsummit05​.pdf), for example, parallel text alignment is based on linguistic equivalence; however, without the addition of tags indicating translation direction, it is not possible to discriminate which is the source and which is the target language. However, HT is not symmetrical (Klaudy 2009Klaudy, Kinga 2009 “The Asymmetry Hypothesis in Translation Research.” In Translators and Their Readers: In Homage to Eugene A. Nida, edited by Rodica Dimitriu and Miriam Shlesinger, 283–303. Brussels: Les Editions du Hazard.Google Scholar, 2017 2017 “Linguistic and Cultural Asymmetry in Translation from and into Minor Languages.” Cadernos de Literatura em Tradução, 17, 22–37. DOI logo), so translating A into B is not necessarily the reverse of translating B into A. Translation asymmetry impacts not just linguistic choices, but also discoursal choices, including decisions that depend on context. For instance, Frankenberg-Garcia (2016) 2016 “A Corpus Study of Loans in Translated and Non-Translated Texts.” In Corpus-Based Approaches to Translation and Interpreting: From Theory to Applications, edited by Gloria Corpas Pastor and Miriam Seghiri, 19–42. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.Google Scholar and Klaudy (2017) 2017 “Linguistic and Cultural Asymmetry in Translation from and into Minor Languages.” Cadernos de Literatura em Tradução, 17, 22–37. DOI logo note how foreign words are handled differently in different translation directions, depending on assumptions made about which foreign words target readers can recognise. For example, foreign words left in English are not usually a problem for educated Portuguese readers, but foreign words left in Portuguese can be hard for educated English readerships to understand. To go back to the Sporting football club example, a professional translating that Portuguese news item into another language is likely to add glosses to the expressions that target readers might not understand, or replace those expressions with ones that readers will. Conversely, if translating a foreign news item about Sporting for a Portuguese readership, a professional may deliberately delete glosses which Portuguese readers would find redundant. This illustrates why the reversibility of MT training data can be problematic if contextual knowledge assumptions external to the text are not taken into account.

Another limitation of MT training data that has implications at the level of context is that the translations upon which they are based are not always carried out by professionals. The Open Subtitles and TED talks parallel text collections available from OPUS (Tiedemann 2012Tiedemann, Jörg 2012 “Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in OPUS.” In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Istanbul, Turkey, edited by Nicoletta Calzolari, Khalid Choukri, Thierry Declerck, Mehmet Uğur Doğan, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, and Stelios Piperidis, 2214–2218. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics. http://​www​.lrec​-conf​.org​/proceedings​/lrec2012​/pdf​/463​_Paper​.pdf), for example, are excellent sources of MT training data representing more informal spoken registers, but because they are the product of fan translations, there is less control over their quality. There is no information about the level of source- and target-language proficiency of the volunteers who carry out the translations, let alone about their understanding of the discourse mediation strategies employed by experienced professional translators. More worryingly, there is no control over the extent to which such collections have been influenced by MT in the first place, which could result in the circularity of using MT output as training data to develop MT.

In contrast, although translation solutions by experienced professional translators may differ, professionals generally understand what needs to be added to or deleted from a translation, or what needs to be otherwise adapted for successful recontextualisation. For example, professional translation strategies can involve giving a deliberate foreign feel to a target text (for instance, by borrowing words from the source language), or consciously mediating discourse (by adding footnotes or other extra information, for example) to enhance the readability of a text among target language audiences (Schleiermacher [1813] 2004Schleiermacher, Friedrich (1813) 2004 “On the Different Methods of Translating.” In The Translation Studies Reader, 2nd ed., edited by Lawrence Venuti, 43–63. London: Routledge.Google Scholar).

In summary, MT research has recognised the limitations of translating isolated sentences, and has made advances towards establishing better links between sentences and developing document-level MT evaluation metrics. However, less attention has been paid to source-text contexts and how discourse is recontextualised in translations. Moreover, although there is no doubt about the value of opportunistic bilingual text collections for the development of MT (especially as there are not enough large, good-quality parallel corpora tagged for translation direction available), they are less suited to helping us understand directional shifts in translation, including how professional translators recontextualise source texts for target-text readerships.

To address this challenge, this study explores whether a corpus-driven lexical analysis that compares professional translation in a known language direction with MT can shed further light on discoursal differences between the two, beyond well-known problems such as lexical inconsistency and pronoun resolution.


This section describes the corpus used in the study and how the comparison of HT and MT was undertaken.


This study draws on source texts and professional HT from compara (2010)compara 2010 (Version 13.1.17.) Accessed April 12, 2019. http://​www​.linguateca​.pt​/COMPARA​/index​.php, an open-access, bidirectional parallel corpus of Portuguese and English literary fiction (Frankenberg-Garcia and Santos 2003Frankenberg-Garcia, Ana, and Diana Santos 2003 “Introducing compara: The Portuguese–English Parallel Corpus.” In Corpora in Translator Education, edited by Federico Zanettin, Silvia Bernardini, and Dominic Stewart, 71–87. Manchester: St. Jerome.Google Scholar). compara consists of authentic, published translations carried out by professionals from Portuguese into English and from English into Portuguese. Although compara is bidirectional, the present analysis looks only at Portuguese to English translations.

As literary translation does not normally make use of MT (Toral and Way 2018Toral, Antonio, and Andy Way 2018 “What Level of Quality Can Neural Machine Translation Attain on Literary Text?” In Translation Quality Assessment: From Principles to Practice, vol. 1, edited by Joss Moorkens, Sheila Castilho, Federico Gaspari, and Stephen Doherty, 263–287. Cham: Springer. DOI logoGoogle Scholar), and as the English translations in compara are authentic, published translations dating back to the 1980s and 1990s – a time before the use of MT became widespread – it can be assumed that the translations in the corpus were not influenced by MT.

To ensure the analysis was not skewed by individual author or translator performances, a balanced corpus comprising the work of fifteen different authors translated by fifteen different translators was used in the study (see Table 1).

Table 1.Authors and translators represented in the study*
Text ID Source-text title Author Translator
PBRF2 A Grande Arte Rubem Fonseca Ellen Watson
PMMC1 Vozes Anoitecidas Mia Couto David Brookshaw
PBJS1 O Xangô de Baker Street Jô Soares Cliff Landers
PBPC1 O Alquimista Paulo Coelho Alan Clarke
PPSC1 A Confissão de Lúcio Mário de Sá-Carneiro Margaret Jull Costa
PPJS1 Sinais de Fogo Jorge de Sena John Byrne
PBMA3 Dom Casmurro Machado de Assis John Gledson
PPLJ1 A Costa dos Murmúrios Lídia Jorge Natália Costa
PBAD2 Os Sinos da Agonia Autran Dourado John Parker
PPMC1 Um Deus Passeando pela Brisa da Tarde Mário de Carvalho Gregory Rabassa
PBAA2 O Mulato Aluísio Azevedo Graeme McNicoll
PPEQ3 Alves e Companhia Eça de Queirós John Vetch
PPJSA1 Ensaio sobre a Cegueira José Saramago Giovanni Pontiero
PBCB2 Estorvo Chico Buarque Peter Bush
PBMAA1 Memórias de um Sargento de Milícias Manuel Antônio de Almeida Ronald Sousa
*Full references are available at https://​www​.linguateca​.pt​/COMPARA.

compara’s online interface allows for the creation of subcorpora based on selected texts, such as those presented in Table 1, but for copyright reasons it does not permit their full download. Moreover, the tool restricts the number of parallel concordances that can be retrieved such that no more than one third of each bitext (i.e., aligned source and target text) is presented each time a query is performed. As the texts in compara are of unequal length, longer texts will yield more concordances. Therefore, to achieve balance, the total number of source-text words generated by the shortest bitext in the selection was used as a benchmark, and the other texts were cut down to its approximate length. In this way, it was possible to arrive at a balanced corpus of fifteen Portuguese–English bitexts of between 4000 and 5000 source-text words each.

The concordances extracted for each query are in sequential order. However, to cut down the output to within the copyright limit, random concordances may be omitted. This would be a serious limitation if the investigation required one to read the texts linearly, from beginning to end. However, as it will be explained in Section 3.2, the present study did not contemplate an analysis of discourse features that depend on reading longer uninterrupted stretches of text.

To obtain the MT corpus used in the study, the Portuguese source-text segments downloaded from compara were machine translated into English using Google Translate.22.Performed through the now discontinued Google Translator Toolkit (2019)Google Translator Toolkit (2019) Accessed December 1, 2019. https://​translate​.google​.com​/toolkit. Google Translate uses neural MT technology for the Portuguese–English language pair (Turovsky 2016Turovsky, Barak 2016 “Found in Translation: More Accurate, Fluent Sentences in Google Translate.” Google (blog), November 15 2016 https://​blog​.google​/products​/translate​/found​-translation​-more​-accurate​-fluent​-sentences​-google​-translate/), though little else is known about how it operates. This study does not aim to foster the development of Google Translate. The choice for using it was simply that it is free, readily available, and is a popular generic MT system used by the public in general. Note that it was not possible to guarantee that Google Translate did not use the HTs from compara as part of its training data in the first place. However, because this data is not directly available online (it can only be retrieved through specific searches within compara), and because compara is negligible in size when compared to the enormous quantities of training data used by Google, it is highly unlikely that it would exert much influence on how Google Translate operates.

Once the MT output was obtained, it was aligned with the HTs from compara using the full-sentence source-text segments as a common denominator. It was thus possible to obtain a balanced and perfectly aligned parallel corpus of source texts (ST corpus), human translations (HT corpus), and machine translations (MT corpus), as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.Three-dimensional parallel corpus used in the study
Figure 1.

The corpus was compiled in Sketch Engine (Kilgarriff et al. 2014Kilgarriff, Adam, Vit Baisa, Jan Bušta, Miloš Jakubíček, Vojtěch Kovář, Jan Michelfeit, Pavel Rychlý, and Vit Suchomel 2014 “The Sketch Engine: Ten Years On.” Lexicography 1: 7–36. DOI logoGoogle Scholar). Both the HT and MT corpora were tagged with the TreeTagger part-of-speech tagset for English developed by Helmut Schmid and modified by the Sketch Engine team (pipeline version 2).


Using parallel corpora to evaluate discourse in MT is a recent technique (Lapshinova-Koltunski and Hardmeier 2017Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina, and Christian Hardmeier 2017 “Discovery of Discourse-Related Language Contrasts through Alignment Discrepancies in English–German Translation.” In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Discourse and Machine Translation, Copenhagen, Denmark, 8 September, edited by Bonnie Webber, Andrei Popescu-Belis, and Jörg Tiedemann, 73–81. DOI logo; Guillou et al. 2018Guillou, Liane, Christian Hardmeier, Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski, and Sharid Loáiciga 2018 “A Pronoun Test Suite Evaluation of the English–German MT Systems at WMT 2018.” In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Machine Translation: Shared Task Papers, Brussels, Belgium, 31 October – 1 November, edited by Ondřej Bojar, Rajen Chatterjee, Christian Federmann, Mark Fishel, Yvette Graham, Barry Haddow, Matthias Huck, Antonio Jimeno Yepes, Philipp Koehn, Christof Monz, Matteo Negri, Aurélie Névéol, Mariana Neves, Matt Post, Lucia Specia, Marco Turchi, and Karin Verspoor, 570–577. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics. DOI logo). Previous research has been guided by known challenges for MT, like pronoun resolution, in a corpus-based approach. The approach taken in this study is novel in that its starting point is corpus-driven.33.See Tognini-Bonelli (2001)Tognini-Bonelli, Elena 2001Corpus Linguistics at Work. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. DOI logoGoogle Scholar for a discussion of corpus-based and corpus-driven approaches. In other words, instead of running specific corpus queries to examine known issues (e.g., pronouns), in this study the corpus as a whole was used as a point of departure to gain new insights into how HT and MT differ. A standard procedure in corpus-driven approaches is the comparison of lexical distributions in two corpora. For example, Frankenberg-Garcia (2008)Frankenberg-Garcia, Ana 2008 “ ‘Suggesting Rather Special Facts’: A Corpus-Based Study of Distinctive Lexical Distributions in Translated Texts.” Corpora (3) 2: 195–211. DOI logoGoogle Scholar uses this method to analyse distinctive lexis in translated and non-translated texts. A similar corpus-driven approach can be applied to uncover distinctive lexis in HT and MT, which can then be further inspected from a corpus-based perspective to determine whether lexical contrasts impact discourse.

The first step in the study involved comparing the HT and MT corpora through keyword analysis. Keyword analysis is a well-known procedure used in corpus linguistics to identify linguistic elements that are exceptionally frequent in a focus corpus when compared to a reference corpus (Kilgarriff 2009Kilgarriff, Adam 2009 “Simple Maths for Keywords.” In Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics Conference, Liverpool, UK. http://​ucrel​.lancs​.ac​.uk​/publications​/cl2009/). The following formulas were used to extract words that were distinctively more frequent in the MT corpus in relation to the HT corpus, and, conversely, to extract words whose frequency stood out in the HT corpus when compared with the MT corpus:


MT fpm is the normalised frequency (per million) of an element in the MT corpus, HT fpm is the equivalent frequency of the same element in the HT corpus, and N is the smoothing parameter used to avoid dividing by zero. As discussed in Kilgarriff (2009)Kilgarriff, Adam 2009 “Simple Maths for Keywords.” In Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics Conference, Liverpool, UK. http://​ucrel​.lancs​.ac​.uk​/publications​/cl2009/, while the standard smoothing parameter is N = 1, this value can be adjusted so as to prioritise higher- or lower-frequency keywords. Given the relatively small size of this study’s corpora, the smoothing parameter used was N = 1000, which prioritises words in the higher-frequency range. This reduces the chances of capturing idiosyncratic discrepancies concentrated in just one text.

Keyword extraction can be performed on different corpus attributes, such as word forms, tags, lemmas, and so on. In the present analysis, the Sketch Engine lempos-lc attribute was used to extract case-insensitive lemmas tagged according to part-of-speech category.44.The tagger failed to classify 7.75% of the lemmas (marked with an x in the output), and misclassified 4.25% (e.g., because was classified as a preposition). These were manually revised where part-of-speech was straightforward to identify, otherwise they were marked as ambiguous. Indefinite pronouns, proper nouns, and foreign words that had been broadly classified as nouns by the tagger were manually differentiated. This allowed for the conflation of, for example, His and his, and car and cars, but at the same time for the separation of house (noun) from house (verb) in the extraction. After extracting the top 200 HT and MT keywords, a sample was then inspected in further detail. Through close reading of the three-dimensional parallel concordances for keywords in the ST, HT, and MT corpora, a qualitative analysis was undertaken to investigate whether the distinctive lexical distributions observed could impact discourse.


Table 2 summarises the distribution of the top 200 keywords in each translation corpus sorted by word class and ordered by keyness score rank. In the last category, ‘not_translated’ represents entire source-text sentences which were either intentionally or mistakenly left out of the translation, highlighting the fact that this is a decision or error only human translators can make. Overall, it is possible to see marked differences in the use of modals, prepositions, and pronouns in the two corpora, with substantially more HT than MT keywords pertaining to those closed-class grammatical categories. The HT and MT keywords pertaining to open-class lexical words – nouns (including proper names and foreign words), verbs, adjectives, and adverbs – to reach the study’s top-200 threshold were more balanced in number. To uncover possible discourse implications behind the lexicogrammatical keyword discrepancies in Table 2 in more depth, ST–HT–MT parallel concordances for a sample of grammatical and lexical keywords will be examined next.

Table 2.Top 200 HT and MT keywords sorted by word class and ordered by keyness score rank
Keyword class Distinctive in HT Distinctive in MT
Adjective own, such, unable, male, special, odd, flat, wise, final, very, splendid, fellow, bright, long, indian great, little, black, last, much, beautiful, good, silent, ready, thin, full, first, low, high, open, crazy, quiet, sick, front, worth, holy, gray, old, rich, handsome, natural, wet, rare
Adverb just, over, back, quite, as, together, really, once, now, away, ever, else, ill, merely, around, well, on, certainly, probably, rather, immediately, though, longer, up, out, enough, simply, clearly, very, silently, in, afterwards, too very, soon, always, also, already, not, anyway, asleep, however, there, maybe, sometimes, little, barely
Foreign senhor, plaza, senhora d, mainata, nhonhô, nhonho
Modal might, should, could, would, can, ought, shall
Noun fellow, wife, part, way, massa, round, feeling, area, bit, kind, place, theatre, mind, affair, colour, cattle, slave, negro, sort, bedroom, reply, music, inspector, evening, thought, use, jacket, destiny, town, raven, stuff, spy-hole, shape, note, maid, country, omen, fine, desk, horse, phone, side, home, line, people, staircase, mummy, moustache, longing, lobby mosque, house, guy, mr, color, hour, earth, beast, hall, eye, sign, woman, other, face, personal, mustache, legend, crow, background, porch, college, band, ox, animal, photograph, pastor, fight, couch, scent, neighbourhood, devil, yard, ceremony, afternoon, son, floor, street, year, head, mouth, table, step, sheep, square, newspaper, land, suit, stop, partner, jailer, beginning, sage, motorcycle, name, city, wall, foot, doubt, lady, information, stair, care, will, clock, favour, contrary, song, wonder, revenge, gate
Preposition out, up, off, into, along, about, over, towards, on, through, after, around, onto, for, within, despite, up, near without, of, in
Pronoun their, its, his, them, she, her, our, someone, something, myself, everyone, herself, anyone, one, nobody everything, me, they, it
Proper name Helen, Mesquita, Gervásio, José, Proserpinus, Alves, Trifenus, Pádua, Lúcio Helena, Gervasio, Jose, Proserpino, Godfrey, Padua, Azariah, Trifeno, de, Lucius
Verb hold, get, bring, use, become, go, carry, keep, manage, put, decide, let, realise, stand, need, ring, allow, suggest, inform, weep, place, wear, grow, have, happen, round, build, observe, imagine, begin, catch, wonder, remain, find, stick, reply, summon give, want, do, enter, know, continue, cry, jump, close, hurt, live, understand, scream, lean, shake, stay, believe, collect, blind, join, serve, count, wish, notice, return, remember, lose, love, confess, wrap, smell, form, resume, fire, delay, conclude, look, come, call, answer, throw, cover, leave, meet, pull, receive, repeat, realize, save, wake, shine, fulfill
Other/Ambiguous NOT_TRANSLATED, some, as, any, while, every, whether, which, why, an, those, on, though, like, one, in, whenever this, these, because, the, so, that, two, another, yeah, if, oh, whose

4.1Grammatical keywords

This section examines in further detail keyword differences in modals, prepositions, and pronouns. Closed-class words like these occur frequently, generating hundreds of concordance lines each, and it is beyond the scope of this study to manually inspect them all. This part of the investigation focuses on a systematic qualitative analysis of one HT and one MT grammatical keyword per part-of-speech category.


The keyword analysis identified seven distinctive modal verbs in the HT corpus and none in the MT corpus (Table 2). The most distinctive modal in the HT corpus was ‘might’, with 49 occurrences against just 11 in MT (keyness score 1.34). The modal was present in 80% of the HT texts, so it cannot be dismissed as simply being a matter of stylistic preference. Parallel concordances for ‘might’ in the HT corpus without the same modal in the MT alignment returned 45 hits. A qualitative analysis of these concordances resulted in 23 HT concordances with no modality in MT (as in Example (1)), and 22 HT concordances with a different modal or a comparable modality marker in MT (as in Example (2)).


PPEQ3 302 veio-lhe o terror que o sogro não estivesse em casa he began to fear that his father-in-law might not be at home terror came to him that his father-in-law was not at home
PMMC1 552 ainda pisava na mina she might tread on a mine he was still walking in the mine


PBAD2 950 Podem me envolver They might involve me You can get involved
PBMA3 254 Talvez valha a pena dá-la It might be worthwhile giving it here Maybe it’s worth giving

Although the source language does not have modal verbs, modality can be expressed through other linguistic resources in Portuguese. The concordances in Example (1) indicate that human translators outperform MT with regard to inferring mood from the context when it is ambiguous or not explicit in the source language. The concordances in Example (2), on the other hand, show that MT can handle mood when it is expressed by means of explicit modality markers in the source language. As shown, possibility can be expressed in Portuguese through the verb poder and the adverb talvez. This could also explain why the direct translation of the adverb ‘maybe’ is distinctive in the MT corpus (see Table 2).


The keyword analysis highlighted the prevalence of 18 prepositions in the HT corpus against 3 in MT (Table 2). The most distinctive prepositions in the two types of translation – ‘out’ in the HT and ‘without’ in the MT – are explored in further detail.

The preposition ‘out’ returned 272 hits in the HT corpus compared to 126 in the MT corpus (keyness score 1.59). Close reading of the 215 parallel concordances for ‘out’ in the HT corpus without ‘out’ in the MT alignment returned

  • 175 HT concordances where ‘out’ is part of a phrasal verb like ‘find out’, while the MT output is a one-word literal translation from the ST, as in Example (3);

  • 23 HT concordances with other senses of ‘out’, while the MT is literal, as in Example (4);

  • 10 HT concordances where ‘out’ is part of phrases beginning with ‘out of’ in the sense of ‘because of’, while the MT is mistranslated, as in Example (5);

  • 7 HT concordances where ‘out’ is part of phrases beginning with ‘out of’ in the sense of ‘without’, while the MT uses a one-word literal translation of the ST, as in Example (6).


PPEQ3 275 uma pancada surda que o devastava a silent blow that knocked him out a deaf thump that devastated him
PBAD2 796 O pai mandou que apagasse a candeia His father told him to put out the lamp His father commanded him to extinguish the lamp


PBAD2 314 Nenhum jeito possível No way out No way possible
PBAA2 590 ela que vá dando os seus passeios a pé she should be out taking walks she will go giving her walks on foot


PPLJ1 132 a tinham trazido ali por instinto de sobrevivência had brought her there out of survival instinct had brought her there by instinct for survival
PBMA3 123 Se soubesse, não teria falado, mas falei pela veneração, pela estima, pelo afeto If I’d known, I wouldn’t have spoken, but I did so out of veneration, out of esteem, out of affection If I had known, I would not have spoken, but I spoke of veneration, of esteem, of affection


PBAA2 553 Tinha o cabelo à escovinha; os sapatos grandemente desproporcionados His hair was close cropped and his shoes terribly out of proportion She had her hair brushed; the shoes were greatly disproportionate
PBJS1 968 E xingava, descontrolado And he cursed, out of control And he cursed, uncontrolled

As can be seen from Examples (3) to (6), despite ‘out’ being a grammatical word, the main reason for its prevalence in the HT corpus is lexical. Apart from the HT being less literal than the MT, it can be seen that the HT use of ‘out’ in phrasal verbs and other expressions tends to confer a less formal and more idiomatic tone on the translations, indicating a better appreciation of situations where informal language is more appropriate.

The most marked preposition in the MT, ‘without’, returns 112 hits in the MT corpus compared to 84 in the HT corpus (keyness score 1.19), and there are 50 parallel concordances for ‘without’ in the MT aligned concordances lacking the same preposition in the HT. Close reading of those concordances revealed that where MT uses ‘without’, the HT equivalent consists of:

  • 25 concordances with negative adverbs such as ‘not’, as in Example (7);

  • 11 concordances with negative prefixes and suffixes such as ‘un-’ and ‘-less’, as in Example (8);

  • 9 concordances with antonymous expressions, as in Example (9);

  • 5 concordances with other words or phrases expressing negation, as in Example (10).


PBCB2 22 O menino…avista-me sem me ver The kid…looks but doesn’t see me The boy…sees me without seeing me
PPMC1 270 sem qualquer escrúpulo with no scruples whatever without any scruple


PPLJ1 669 sem conseguirem culpar nada unable to blame anything without being able to blame anything
PBMAA1 112 um filho sem mãe A motherless child a son without a mother


PPLJ1 845 como os homens que vivem sem ter tempo like one of those men who are always rushing through life like the men who live without time
PPEQ3 16 murmurou o guarda-livros, sem cessar de escrever murmured the bookkeeper, as he went on writing he bookkeeper murmured without interruption


PBRF2 691 sem a maioria dos dentes missing most of his teeth without most of his teeth
PPEQ3 31 sem a cor viva duma flor he lacked the bright colour of a flower without the living color of a flower

The analysis shows that the translators use a more varied repertoire of expressions of negation. Instead of translating the source-text preposition sem literally into ‘without’, translators resort to oblique translation strategies to produce more idiomatic target language renditions.


The keyword analysis identified 15 distinctive pronouns in the HT corpus and 4 in the MT corpus. There were also marked differences in the types of pronouns. Indefinite pronouns (‘someone’, ‘something’, ‘everyone’, ‘anyone’ and ‘nobody’) are more salient in the HT than in the MT, where only ‘everything’ is more frequent. Four gender-marked personal pronouns – ‘his’, ‘she’, ‘her’ and ‘herself’ – are key in the HT, in contrast to the MT personal pronouns, all of which are gender-neutral. Another interesting finding is the distinctive use of possessives in HT and MT, with 5 key possessives in the HT corpus – ‘their’, ‘its’, ‘his’, ‘her’, and ‘our’ – and none in the MT corpus. The most distinctive HT and MT personal pronouns – ‘their’ and ‘me’, respectively – were inspected in further detail.

The possessive ‘their’ has 191 hits in the HT corpus compared to only 112 in the MT corpus (keyness score 1.33). A search for ‘their’ in the HT corpus without the same form in the MT alignment returned 114 concordances. A qualitative analysis of the pronoun discrepancies indicated that there are:

  • 64 concordances where a pronoun not present in the ST is inserted in the HT but not in the MT, as in Example (11);

  • 34 concordances where ‘their’ in the HT results from a less literal translation of the ST, as in Example (12);

  • 16 concordances where the pronoun was mistranslated in the MT, as in Example (13).


PBRF2 804 Muda de nome, de casa, pinta o cabelo, vai para a Bahia Move away, change their names, dye their hair, go to Bahia Change of name, of house, paints the hair, goes to Bahia
PPJS1 654 através das recordações de pais e tios through the tales of their parents and aunts and uncles. through the memories of parents and uncles


PPJSA1 679 O Governo e a Nação esperam que cada um cumpra o seu dever The Government and Nation expect every man and woman to do their duty The Government and the Nation expect each one to fulfill his duty
PBAA2 148 a dar-lhes a comida to fix their meals to give them food


PPEQ3 324 com os lábios unidos aos dele with their lips together with his lips joined to his
PBAD2 477 Iam silenciosos, rosário na mão They walked in silence, their rosaries in their hands They were silent, the rosary in his hand

Looking now at the most salient personal pronoun in the MT, there are 395 hits for ‘me’ in the MT corpus and 379 in the HT corpus (keyness score 1.09), and 78 parallel concordances for ‘me’ in the MT without the same pronoun in the HT alignment. One concordance was not translated in the HT corpus. The remaining 77 concordances comprise:

  • 31 concordances where the equivalent pronoun ‘I’ is used in the HT, as in Example (14);

  • 26 concordances without a corresponding pronoun in the HT, as in Example (15);

  • 15 concordances where the corresponding pronoun in the HT is a possessive, as in Example (16);

  • 5 concordances where the HT pronoun refers to another entity (evidencing mistranslation in the MT), as in Example (17).


PBJS1 167 há algo aqui que causa-me estranheza there’s one thing that I find strange there is something here that causes me strangeness
PBMA3 257 O desuso é que me faz mal I’m out of practice The disuse is what makes me bad


PBAA2 163 Não me pareces a mesma You’re not yourself at all You do not look the same to me
PPMC1 24 Mara…deixa-me numa pequena corrida Mara…runs off. Mara…leaves me in a little run


PPJS1 47 porque as experiências não me pertencem because these experiments are not just mine because the experiences do not belong to me
PPSC1 247 por mim, confesso, tive medo I, for my part, felt afraid for me, I confess, I was afraid


PBMAA1 294 custou muito a vir it was hard for him to come back it was very difficult for me to come here
PPJSA1 754 roubaste-me a vista dos olhos you stole my eyesight you stole me from the eyes

It can be seen that for both pronouns, the reasons for the discrepancies observed have less to do with known problems of MT pronoun resolution (in Example (13) and (17)), and more about professional translators using oblique strategies to render the translation more idiomatic (in Example (12), and (14) to (16)), and to resolve ambiguity (in Example (11)).

4.2Lexical keywords

This section takes a closer look at lexical keyword differences in the HT and MT corpora through close reading of a selection of concordances with key lexical words. Open-class words like these are less frequent and scattered across specific texts. For example, the distinctive HT proper noun ‘Helen’ occurs in only one source, unlike a preposition such as ‘out’, which occurs in all HT and MT texts in the corpus. The analysis of individual lexical keywords is thus not particularly informative, as they could be simply the result of idiosyncratic choices. What is more interesting here is to explore whether there are groups of lexical keywords that behave similarly, which can unveil trends regarding differences between HT and MT. However, in this article there is not enough space to cover every possible pattern emerging from lexical keywords, and thus this part of the analysis focuses on findings pertaining to spellings, proper names, and foreign words.


An immediately visible difference to emerge in the keyword analysis of the open-class words in Table 2 is spelling differences. The following spelling preferences can be observed in the HT and MT corpora, respectively: ‘colour’ and ‘color’, ‘moustache’ and ‘mustache’, ‘realise’ and ‘realize’, Gervásio’ and ‘Gervasio’, ‘José’ and ‘Jose’, and ‘Pádua’ and ‘Padua’. Although these are only surface-form differences that do not affect grammaticality or meanings, they have document-level contextual implications. The choice between British and American spellings reflected in the first three keyword contrasts is not random in the HT, but rather indicative of contextual knowledge of specific target readerships or style guides. The preservation of foreign characters, like the accents used in the three proper names, could in turn be interpreted as a contextual decision to deliberately confer a more exotic feel to the translation, which may happen when it is known from the context that a story plot is set in a foreign country.

4.2.2Proper names

The keyword analysis in Table 2 also presents substantial differences in the use of proper names in the HT and MT. A quantitative summary of ST–HT–MT concordances for the proper names highlighted in Table 2 is shown in Table 3. First, it evidences the well-known problem of lexical consistency in MT. For example, ‘Helena’ is sometimes machine translated as ‘Helena’ and sometimes as ‘Helen’ in the same novel. Similarly, the translation of ‘Mesquita’, ‘Godofredo’, ‘Gervásio’, ‘José’, and ‘Trifeno’ – the majority of the proper names analysed – is not consistent in the MT.

Table 3.Key proper names (and their frequencies)
PPLJ1 Helena (40) Helen (41) Helena (30)
Helen (10)
PPJS1 Mesquita (29) Mesquita (30) Mosque (25)
Mesquita (4)
PPSC1 Gervásio (16) Gervásio (20) Gervasio (15)
Gervasius (1)
PBMAA1 José (11) José (11) José (4)
Jose (7)
PBAA2 José (17) José (20) José (8)
Jose (4)
Joseph (5)
PBMA3 José (10) José (10) José (9)
Jose (1)
PBJS1 José (2) José (2) José (2)
PBRF2 José (1)
PPMC1 Proserpino (10) Proserpinus (10) Proserpino (10)
PPEQ3 Godofredo (17) Godofredo (3)
Alves (10)
he (4)
Godfrey (9)
Godofredo (7)
Godfred (1)
PPEQ3 Alves (13) Alves (13) Alves (13)
PBMA3 Pádua (8) Pádua (8) Padua (8)
PPMC1 Trifeno (8) Trifenus (8) Trifeno (7)
Trypho (1)
PPMC1 Azarias (8) Azarias (8) Azariah (8)
PPSC1 Lúcio (6) Lúcio (6) Lucius (6)
PPMC1 Lúcio (7) Lucius (7) Lucius (7)
Total 202 210 202

Further, the translation of the proper name ‘Mesquita’ exemplifies another known problem of MT, namely that of word-sense disambiguation. As shown in Example (18), the MT engine does not distinguish between the surname ‘Mesquita’ and the common noun mesquita ‘mosque’, translating the name of the character as if it were a person nicknamed ‘The Mosque’.


PPJS1 545 O Mesquita escandalizou-se Mesquita was quite shocked The Mosque scandalized itself

In contrast, the HT of proper names is not only consistent, but also deliberate. As discussed in Section 4.2.1, foreign accents are consciously preserved in the names of characters where plots unfold in non-English speaking settings. Additionally, it is evident that discourse context plays a decisive role in determining whether proper names are translated. ‘Helena’ in PPLJ1 is nicknamed after the Greek mythology character Helen of Troy, which makes the English translation ‘Helen’ more appropriate than preserving the Portuguese form ‘Helena’. Similarly, ‘Proserpino’, ‘Trifeno’, and ‘Lúcio’ in PPMC1 are characters in a novel set in ancient Rome, which explains why the translator opted for the Latin translations ‘Prosperinus’, ‘Trifenus’, and ‘Lucius’. Note that in PPSC1, where ‘Lúcio’ refers to a Portuguese man, the Portuguese rendition of the name is preserved.

The only apparent inconsistency in HT – ‘Godofredo’ is translated as both ‘Godofredo’ and ‘Alves’ in PPEQ3 – occurs because ‘Godofredo’ (first name) and ‘Alves’ (surname) refer to the same character. The translator’s choice to use the surname ‘Alves’ is consistent with how the character is referred to in the title of the novel (see Table 1).

With regard to the MT keyword de that was tagged as a proper name (see Table 2), the difference with the HT arises because of the inconsistent translation of nobility titles such as ‘Visconde de Vilar’, ‘Marquis de Salles’ but ‘Baroness of Avare’ in the MT, versus ‘Viscount of Vilar’, ‘Marquis of Salles’, and ‘Baroness of Avare’ in the HT.

A less explored trait uncovered by the analysis is the discrepancy in the number of proper names in the HT and MT. As shown in Table 3, the translators add ‘Helena’ (+1), ‘Mesquita’ (+1), ‘Gervásio’ (+4), ‘José’ (+3 in PBAA1 and +1 in PBRF2) where there are no matching names in the corresponding ST. Close reading of the parallel concordances that contain additional names reveal that the translators added names to remove possible ambiguity of referents in the translation, as exemplified in Example (19).


PPLJ1 132 Falando desse modo, tão baixo As Helen spoke, in so soft a voice Speaking thus, so low
PBAA2 856 não era isso! respondia o outro it isn’t that José answered was not it! answered the other

There are also 4 instances where an ST name (‘Godofredo’) is replaced with a pronoun in the HT. In contrast, proper names are never added or replaced with pronouns in the MT.

4.2.3Foreign words

Some of the key lexical differences in the HT and MT corpora listed in Table 2 involve non-English words. Even before consulting concordances for those words, it is clear that the ones that are distinctive in HT – senhor, plaza, and senhora – are easier for English readers to recognise than the distinctive MT foreign words d, mainata, nhonhô, and nhonho. This is not by chance. As can be seen in Example (20), the Portuguese senhora in the HT is very similar to señora in Spanish and signora in Italian, making it more likely to be understood by English readers. The same applies to Senhor in the HT. However, instead of transposing the abbreviated form Sr. used in the ST (which target readers might not recognise), the translator spelled out Senhor in full, which is again similar to the Spanish Señor and the Italian Signor. With regard to plaza, there is an extra layer of complexity in the HT. By translating the Portuguese praça into the Spanish loanword plaza, the translator introduced a foreign element to the translation that was not present in the ST. What could at surface be interpreted as an excessive liberty taken by the translator can in fact be justified by the contextual awareness that the plot is set in Spain, and the target English readers would be familiar with the meaning of plaza in Spanish-speaking countries (e.g., as in ‘Plaza Mayor’).


PBMAA1 117 Oh! senhora! atalhou Leonardo-Pataca Oh, senhora, interrupted Leonardo-Pataca Oh! Mrs! interrupted Leonardo-Pataca
PMMC1 303 Tem a certeza, Sr. Paraza? Are you sure, Senhor Paraza? Are you sure, Mr. Paraza?
PBPC1 262 Ficou mais algum tempo olhando a praça He looked at the people in the plaza for a while He spent some time looking at the square


PBAD2 113 Nhonhô quer alguma coisa? Do you want anything, massa? Does Nhonhô want anything?
PPLJ1 365 Quer a mainata já ali, com a bandeja, os copos She wants the maid right away, with the tray, the glasses He wants the mainata already there, with the tray, the glasses
PPEQ3 16 O Sr. Machado estava ontem em D. Maria Senhor Machado was at the Dona Maria theatre yesterday Mr. Machado was in D. Maria yesterday
PBJS1 786 d. Pedro explicou Dom Pedro explained d. Peter explained

In contrast, as shown in Example (21), the use of foreign words in the MT evidences a lack of contextual knowledge. The source-text word Nhonhô left untranslated in the MT is a dated form of address used by slaves to their masters. It is unlikely that target English readers would have the background knowledge needed to understand it. In the MT concordance shown in Example (21), Nhonhô could even be mistakenly understood to be someone’s name. The solution found in the HT was to use the correspondingly dated English form of address ‘massa’ (‘master’) instead. Similarly, mainata, a Mozambiquean Portuguese word for ‘maid’ unlikely to be understood by target English readers, is kept as mainata in the MT output, but helpfully translated as ‘maid’ by the translator. The last concordance in Example (21) shows the source-text abbreviated form of address D. (pronounced dona) kept as D. in the MT. In the HT, the translator filled in the contextual knowledge gap by expanding the abbreviation to the full form Dona, which is again similar in Spanish and Italian, and thus more likely to be understood by English readers. The addition of ‘theatre’ to that same concordance without a corresponding equivalent in the ST shows further evidence of how the translator deliberately clarified that D. Maria is a theatre, given the contextual awareness that target readers would probably be unfamiliar with the Lisbon cultural scene.

Examples (20) and (21) demonstrate that professional human translators tend to take their readership and the wider context of the translation into account when choosing whether to employ foreign words in a translation. If foreign words are used, they tend to be used deliberately, to confer a foreign flavour to the translation, without compromising reader comprehension. In contrast, the few times foreign words are left untranslated in the MT occur in the rendition of more obscure Portuguese source-text words in contexts likely to compromise target-reader understanding.

5.Discussion and conclusion

MT research has recently acknowledged the need to address more than just sentences in isolation, focusing on perfecting supra-sentential links and ensuring document-level consistency. This study was motivated by the need to explore discourse produced by HT and MT beyond the text, particularly with respect to how translation texts are shaped by the contexts in which they occur. Using keyword analysis – a methodology used in corpus-driven linguistics to identify contrastive lexical distributions in two different sets of textual data – this study singled out words that are exceptionally frequent in a corpus of professional translation in a known language direction (the HT corpus), and words that are exceptionally frequent in a parallel corpus of generic neural machine translation (the MT corpus).

The fact that the keyword analysis highlights divergent distributions of pronouns, modals, and proper names indicates that the method is sensitive to known challenges in MT discourse research. Pronoun resolution is the most prominent topic of recent work on discourse and MT referred to in Section 1 and related work (e.g., Bawden 2016Bawden, Rachel 2016 “Cross-lingual Pronoun Prediction with Linguistically Informed Features.” In Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine Translation, Berlin, Germany, 11–12 August, 564–570. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics. DOI logo; Guillou 2016 2016Incorporating Pronoun Function into Statistical Machine Translation. PhD diss. University of Edinburgh.Google Scholar; Luong and Popescu-Belis 2016)Luong, Ngoc-Quang, and Andrei Popescu-Belis 2016 “A Contextual Language Model to Improve Machine Translation of Pronouns by Re-ranking Translation Hypotheses.” In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Riga, Latvia, special issue of Baltic Journal of Modern Computing 4 (2): 292–304.Google Scholar. The greater use of gender-marked personal pronouns in the HT investigated in this study is in line with the well-known fact that it is problematic for MT to disambiguate gender when it is not expressed in the source language. The keyword analysis also highlights the distinctive use of possessives in HT, in the same way as Luong et al. (2017)Luong, Ngoc-Quang, Andrei Popescu-Belis, Annette Rios Gonzales, and Don Tuggener 2017 “Machine Translation of Spanish Personal and Possessive Pronouns Using Anaphora Probabilities.” In Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Vol 2, Short Papers, Valencia, Spain, 3–7 April, edited by Mirella Lapata, Phil Blunsom, and Alexander Koller, 631–636. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics. DOI logo discuss problems with possessives in Spanish–English MT, a similar language pair to the one investigated in this study. Modals, too, are known to be problematic in natural language processing (Morante and Sporleder 2012Morante, Roser, and Caroline Sporleder 2012 “Modality and Negation: An Introduction to the Special Issue.” Computational Linguistics, 38 (2): 223–260. DOI logoGoogle Scholar), and have been acknowledged as one of the challenges of MT research (Nakov 2016Nakov, Preslav 2016 “Negation and Modality in Machine Translation.” In Proceedings of the Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics, Osaka, Japan, 12 December, edited by Eduardo Blanco, Roser Morante, and Roser Saurí, 41. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics. https://​www​.aclweb​.org​/anthology​/W16​-5005​.pdf). Not surprisingly, the keyword analysis shows that modals are used to a much greater extent in the HT corpus. Lexical consistency (also referred to as term consistency and lexical cohesion in the MT literature) is yet another widely discussed issue in MT discourse research, as MT systems operating at sentence level may output translations that are lexically inconsistent at document level (Carpuat and Simard 2012Carpuat, Marine, and Michel Simard 2012 “The Trouble with SMT Consistency.” In Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Montréal, Canada, 7–8 June, edited by Chris Callison-Burch, Philipp Koehn, Christof Monz, Matt Post, Radu Soricut, and Lucia Specia, 442–449. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics. DOI logoGoogle Scholar; Guillou 2013Guillou, Liane 2013 “Analysing Lexical Consistency in Translation.” In Proceedings of the Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation, Soa, Bulgaria, 9 August, edited by Bonnie Webber, Andrei Popescu-Belis, Katja Markert, and Jörg Tiedemann, 10–18. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics. https://​www​.aclweb​.org​/anthology​/W13​-3302​.pdf). Lexical consistency can be particularly problematic in neural MT where no phrase tables are used to maintain fixed translations (e.g., Dougal and Lonsdale 2020Dougal, Duane K., and Deryle Lonsdale 2020 “Improving NMT Quality Using Terminology Injection.” In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marseille, France, 11–16 May, edited by Nicoletta Calzolari, Frédéric Béchet, Philippe Blache, Khalid Choukri, Christopher Cieri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Hitoshi Isahara, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Hélène Mazo, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, and Stelios Piperidis, 4820–4827. Paris: European Language Resources Association. https://​www​.aclweb​.org​/anthology​/2020​.lrec​-1​.593​.pdf). The same problem was detected in the keyword analysis, which highlights how proper names are translated inconsistently in MT.

The results of the keyword analysis do not just confirm known problems of MT, however. They also draw attention to further differences between MT and professional translation that deserve closer scrutiny. For example, indefinite pronouns are markedly more salient in the HT corpus, but do not seem to have received much attention yet in MT research. While it was not possible to investigate in more detail all the keywords in the study, a qualitative analysis aiming to gain further insight into discoursal differences between HT and MT was undertaken through close reading of the ST–HT–MT concordances of a sample of the HT and MT keywords. For grammatical keywords, the more fine-grained analysis focused on contrasting selected pronouns, modals, and prepositions. For lexical keywords, the focus was on examining spellings, proper names, and foreign words.

Although not all keyword differences necessarily impact discourse, the overall findings of the study indicate that the HT–MT discrepancies observed are less often about MT error and more about professional translators using an array of oblique translation strategies to enhance target-reader experience. Going beyond strictly linguistic equivalence, HT outperformed MT with regard to what House (2006)House, Juliane 2006 “Text and Context in Translation.” Journal of Pragmatics 38 (3): 338–358. DOI logoGoogle Scholar refers to as recontextualisation: professional translations are less ambiguous, more idiomatic, more appropriate to the situational context of the source text, and deliberately adapted to target-text readerships.

Reduction in ambiguity – or explicitation (Blum-Kulka 1986Blum-Kulka, Shoshana 1986 “Shifts of Cohesion and Coherence in Translation.” In Interlingual and Intercultural Communication: Discourse and Cognition in Translation and Second Language Acquisition Studies, edited by Juliane House and Shoshana Blum-Kulka, 17–35. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.Google Scholar; Frankenberg-Garcia 2009 2009 “Are Translations Longer than Source Texts? A Corpus-Based Study of Explicitation.” In Corpus Use and Translating: Corpus Use for Learning to Translate and Learning Corpus Use to Translate: An Introduction, edited by Allison Beeby, Patricia Rodríguez Inés, and Pilar Sánchez-Gijón, 47–58. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. DOI logoGoogle Scholar) – is attested in the parallel concordances where modals, pronouns, and proper names are inserted in the HT without a corresponding prompt in the ST. In such cases, the clue as to which modal, pronoun, or name to add often lies not in the text itself (co-text) but rather in its interpretation (context). For instance, ainda pisava in Example (1) is ambiguous in Portuguese, as devoid of context it could be rendered either as ‘was still stepping’ or as ‘might step’. Contextual knowledge of what happens if one steps on the object of the verb – in this case, a landmine – enables human translators to decide which of the two translations is appropriate. Although the study did not focus on MT problems of word-sense disambiguation, they are evident in Example (11), where the translator inferred from the context that tios is equivalent to ‘aunts and uncles’ rather than just ‘uncles’; in Example (16), where the translator inferred that experiência should be translated as ‘experiment’ and not ‘experience’, and in Example (18), where ‘Mesquita’ is a proper name and not a ‘mosque’.

Gains in idiomaticity are observed in parallel concordances where the MT outputs a more literal translation whereas in the HT the translators prefer oblique or indirect translation strategies so as to not upset target-language grammar or style. As shown in many of the examples in the previous section, this is achieved partly through transposition (a change in word class), partly through modulation (a change in perspective), and partly through reformulation (a complete rewriting) (Vinay and Darbelnet [1958] 2004Vinay, Jean-Paul, and Jean Darbelnet (1958) 2004 “A Methodology for Translation.” In The Translation Studies Reader, 2nd ed., edited by Lawrence Venuti, 128–137. London: Routledge.Google Scholar). For example, using the modal ‘might’ instead of the adverb ‘maybe’ in Example (2) is an example of transposition, translating um filho sem mãe as ‘a motherless child’ instead of ‘a son without a mother’ in Example (8) is an example of modulation, and translating dar-lhes a comida as ‘fix their meals’ instead of ‘give them food’ in Example (12) is an example of reformulation. Interestingly, the literal translations in all three MT equivalents are not errors, but employ words that appear to be distinctive or overused in MT – ‘maybe’, ‘without’, and ‘give’ (see Table 2).

Reader experience is also enhanced in the HT in places where translators do a better job of conveying register (i.e., combinations of linguistic features that reflect the situation in which language is used [Halliday 1978Halliday, M. A. K. 1978Language as a Social Semiotic: The Social Interpretation of Language and Meaning. London: Edward Arnold.Google Scholar]). It is clear that at times the degree of formality conveyed in the MT does not fit in with the context of the narrative. For instance, in Example (3) a father would probably not tell his son to ‘extinguish the lamp’, but rather to ‘put out the lamp’. Phrasal verbs like ‘put out’ are more typical of an informal register than non-phrasal synonyms like ‘extinguish’. At the same time, informal words like ‘yeah’ and ‘guy’ appear to be overused in the MT (see Table 2), which would suggest an incorrect gauging of the level of formality in different situations of language use. In other places, the translators deliberately use foreign spellings and words to convey the foreign setting of the narrative, like using the Spanish loanword plaza to refer to a square in a novel set in Spain in Example (20), or the Latin spelling of the name ‘Proserpinus’ in a novel set in ancient Rome (Table 3), whereas the MT cannot discern situations where it might be appropriate to borrow words from other languages.

A fourth and final way in which reader experience is heightened in the HT is through translator awareness of possible communication breakdowns among the target readership. This can be seen in the ways translators deliberate which borrowings from other languages are safe to use, and how certain meanings need to be added to fill gaps in target-readership knowledge, in what Pym (2015)Pym, Anthony 2015 “Translating as Risk Management.” Journal of Pragmatics 85: 67–80. DOI logoGoogle Scholar refers to as risk-averse translation strategies. For instance, in Example (21) the abbreviated form of address d. is machine translated as d., but expanded to Dona or Dom in the HT. This not only helps English readers understand what the cryptic abbreviation d. means (note that the expanded Portuguese forms are similar in Spanish and Italian), but also enhances the foreign register of the narrative, since these words are not normally used in English-speaking contexts. Additionally, the expanded forms disambiguate between the feminine dona and the masculine dom, thanks to the contextual knowledge that the names that follow are respectively typically female and male. Awareness of what target readers might find difficult to decode is also captured by chance in the HT concordance with Dona, where it can be seen that the translator added the word ‘theatre’ to spell out that Dona Maria is a theatre to readers not familiar with the Lisbon cultural scene. Another recontextualisation shift captured in the example concordances is the HT translation ‘every man and woman to do their duty’ instead of the more literal MT rendition ‘each one to fulfill his duty’ in Example (12), which shows how the translator deliberately avoided gendered language. And clearly, even the spelling differences detected, like the choice between British and American spellings, provide evidence of target-readership awareness.

Although there is no room for further details in this article, there are hundreds of concordances in the analysis providing evidence that many of the differences between HT and MT arise because, unlike MT, translators can adapt word choice according to different communicative demands and circumstances of language use. In contrast, opportunistic MT training data that does not distinguish between source and target language cannot distinguish source- and target-language readerships. Another issue is that when MT quality is evaluated devoid of text-external context, the evaluation cannot discriminate between solutions that work well in certain situations but not in others, such as when to use formal and informal target-language equivalents. Moreover, it is important to recognise that while experienced translators are attuned to contextual aspects of discourse, such as register and knowledge gaps among target-language readers, and are trained to employ oblique translation strategies when required, non-professionals tend to approach the task in terms of linguistic equivalence only (Tirkkonen-Condit 1990Tirkkonen-Condit, Sonja 1990 “Professional vs. Non-Professional Translation: A Think-Aloud Protocol Study.” In Learning, Keeping and Using Language: Selected Papers from the Eighth World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Sydney, 16–21 August 1987, edited by M. A. K. Halliday, John Gibbons, and Howard Nicholas, 381–394. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. DOI logoGoogle Scholar). MT training data from non-professional translations may therefore be less suitable for capturing strategies used by professionals to mediate discourse.

The corpus-driven keyword analysis undertaken in this study thus not only highlights known problems in MT, but also identifies further challenges for MT discourse research to address. Going beyond document-level consistency, there is a clear call for more studies on how MT discourse can tackle register and the variable situational contexts in which source texts are produced. Although customised MT can go a long way towards addressing some of these issues, the availability of controlled, quality training data is limited. Therefore, one question for the future is whether generic MT of the type used in this study can be trained to infer source-text context and adapt translation output accordingly. Another question is whether MT can be trained to recognise document-level register variation, such as an informal dialogue or quotation within a more formal narrative. Apart from acknowledging source-text context, this study calls for more research into addressing recontextualisation strategies typical of professional translations which take target-reader world knowledge into account.

In addition to providing insights for further MT discourse research, it is hoped the general findings of this study and the specific concordance examples given can be useful to translator education and post-editing training.

Finally, it is important to recognise that the scope of the study is limited, not only because it is exploratory and there is no room to analyse all the MT and HT keywords highlighted in detail, but also because it used only one MT engine and one language pair. Notwithstanding these limitations, this study suggests that corpus-driven keyword analysis can be a promising tool in MT discourse research, as it can not only point to known problems such as pronoun resolution and co-reference, but also unveil new insights about contextual aspects of translated discourse deserving further investigation.


This research was partly funded by the University of Surrey’s Centre for Translation Expanding Excellence in England (E3) Fund, Research England, UKRI.


I would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and the editor of this journal for their very helpful comments on a previous version of this manuscript.


1.Note, however, that customised MT trained on domain-specific data can focus on specific contexts. For example, a medical MT engine can be trained to render ‘theatre’ in the sense of ‘operating theatre’ rather than in the sense of ‘movie theatre’.
2.Performed through the now discontinued Google Translator Toolkit (2019)Google Translator Toolkit (2019) Accessed December 1, 2019. https://​translate​.google​.com​/toolkit.
3.See Tognini-Bonelli (2001)Tognini-Bonelli, Elena 2001Corpus Linguistics at Work. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. DOI logoGoogle Scholar for a discussion of corpus-based and corpus-driven approaches.
4.The tagger failed to classify 7.75% of the lemmas (marked with an x in the output), and misclassified 4.25% (e.g., because was classified as a preposition). These were manually revised where part-of-speech was straightforward to identify, otherwise they were marked as ambiguous. Indefinite pronouns, proper nouns, and foreign words that had been broadly classified as nouns by the tagger were manually differentiated.


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Address for correspondence

Ana Frankenberg-Garcia

Centre for Translation Studies

University of Surrey

Stag Hill Campus


United Kingdom

[email protected]