Preliminary norms of Arabic to Spanish translations produced by twentieth-century academics

Manuel Feria and Luis M. Pérez Cañada


This article analyzes the preliminary norms (Toury 1995) governing the translation of Arabic works into Spanish produced by members of Spain’s academic community in the twentieth century. In particular, we study the ideological motives and objectives behind the choice of works to be translated. Translation was the ideological tool par excellence of Spanish Arabism. The Catholic Church; Spanish state, regional, and local government bodies; and the European Cultural Foundation were the principal patrons. The works translated served to endorse the pre-eminence of Christendom over Islam and to advance Spanish nation-building. They also contributed to the encouragement of emancipatory and feminist discourses, the commercial success of the Arab winner of the Nobel Prize, Najīb Maḥfūẓ, and the promulgation among the European public of a discourse opposed to the ‘clash of civilizations’. Thus, our analysis illustrates the capacity of translation to generate ideology in a specific socio-political context.

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Translation is neither a random nor a neutral activity; it creates and consolidates ideological discourses. In line with Eagleton (1985, 116; quoted in Lefevere 1988–1989, 59), we define ‘ideology’ as “a set of discourses which wrestle over interests which are in some way relevant to the maintenance or interrogation of power structures central to a whole form of social and historical life.” This notion of ideology retains its (self-)critical value while leaving aside the polemical negative connotations of the Marxist critique of ideology. Furthermore, following Fang (2011, 162), we believe that ideology is a “perspective that calls for an exhaustive investigation of a broad net which is composed of societies, cultures, texts and agents involved in translation.” Ideology refers to those relations which result in a set of tacit assumptions, beliefs, and value systems that are shared collectively by social groups (Simpson 1993, 5).

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