Book review
Hélène Buzelin. Sur le terrain de la traduction. Parcours traductologique au cœur du roman de Samuel Selvon The Lonely Londoners. Préface de Gillian Lane-Mercier
Toronto: Éditions du Gref, 2005. xiv + 282 pp. ISBN 1-897018-12-6 26 USD / 22 € (Theoria, 12).

Reviewed by Paul Bandia
Table of contents

Sur le terrain de la traduction draws attention to an area that has so far been given limited attention in postcolonial translation studies, namely the translation of Anglo-Caribbean literature into French. As pointed out in the book, Anglo-Caribbean literature has not enjoyed as much attention in the Francophone world as Franco-Caribbean literature in the English-speaking world. There is a thriving practice of English translations of French-Caribbean literature in Europe and North America, which sometimes reflects the popularity and improbable adulation of some francophone writers in these metropolitan centres. The reasons for this discrepancy are not immediately clear, but it might generally have to do with the thirst for anything postcolonial in the English-speaking world over the last few decades, an intellectual trend which has not quite caught up in France to the same degree. This may explain why the few French translators of Anglo-Caribbean literature are often academics with a passion for this literature, who are often driven by their research interests and a desire to share its pleasures and insights.

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