Volume 21, Issue 2 (2009)
Incubation, birth and growth: Observations on the first 20 years of TargetGideon Toury | pp. 189–207
Pragmatic shifts in two translations of Fusheng Liuji : A descriptive study of request behaviourVincent X. Wang | pp. 209–234
Further evidence for a functionalist approach to translation quality evaluationSonia Colina | pp. 235–264
Investigating a double translation of culture: The English-Maori classic postcolonial text Potiki and its German translationIrmengard Wohlfart | pp. 265–288
How important is the way you say it? A discussion on the translation of linguistic varietiesSara Ramos Pinto | pp. 289–307
Translating for a Good Cause: Joseph Lavallée’s antislavery novel Le Nègre comme il y a peu de Blancs (1789) and its two English translations (1790)Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov | pp. 308–332
The translator’s immobility: English modern classics in ItalyPaola Venturi | pp. 333–357
Measuring canonization: A reply to Paola VenturiJosé Lambert | pp. 358–363
Anthony Pym, Miriam Schlesinger & Zuzana Jettmarová, eds. Sociocultural Aspects of Translating and InterpretingReviewed by Nike K. Pokorn | pp. 365–369
Hélène Buzelin. Sur le terrain de la traduction. Parcours traductologique au cœur du roman de Samuel Selvon The Lonely Londoners. Préface de Gillian Lane-MercierReviewed by Paul Bandia | pp. 370–374
Annie Cointre & Annie Rivara, eds. Recueil de Préfaces de traducteurs de romans anglais (1721–1828)Compte rendu par Beatrijs Vanacker | pp. 375–380
Francesca Billiani, ed. Modes of Censorship and Translation. National Contexts and Diverse MediaReviewed by Denise Merkle | pp. 381–387
Jan Willem Mathijssen. The Breach and the Observance. Theatre retranslation as a strategy of artistic differentiation, with special reference to retranslations of Shakespeare’s Hamlet (1777–2001)Reviewed by Dirk Delabastita | pp. 388–393
Jean Boase-Beier. Stylistic Approaches to TranslationReviewed by Jeremy Munday | pp. 394–398
Yves Chevrel, éd. Enseigner les œuvres littéraires en traduction. Actes du séminaire national organisé par la direction générale de l’Enseignement scolaireCompte rendu par Karen Vandemeulebroucke | pp. 399–402
Jennifer Lindsay, ed. Between Tongues. Translation and/of/in Performance in AsiaReviewed by James St. André | pp. 403–405
Wiebke Sievers. Contemporary German Prose in Britain and France (1980–1999): A Case Study of the Significance of Otherness in TranslationReviewed by Armin Paul Frank | pp. 406–411
Book reviews