Book reviewTranslation Ecology Beijing: Three Gorges Publishing House, 2009. 314 pp. ISBN 978-7-80223-477-2 ¥ 30 .
Table of contents
While their international colleagues have worked to promote and facilitate the “sociological turn” (Brisset 2010: 74) in translation studies, a few Chinese researchers propose an “ecological” paradigm. Besides Xu’s book, some articles adopting an ecological perspective (e.g. Zu 2007; Hu 2008; Hu 2009; Jiao 2010; Dong and Gao 2011) have been published since 2007. As a result, two new concepts, translation ecology and eco-translatology, have attracted academic attention in China.
Brisset, Annie
Courchamp, Franck, Luděk Berec and Joanna Gascoigne
Dong, Aihua and Yue Gao
Hu, Gengshen
Inghilleri, Moira
[ p. 369 ]
Jiao, Weihong
Wolf, Michaela and Alexandra Fukari