Quo vadis, functional translatology?

Christiane Nord
University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa

Functional approaches to translation and Skopostheorie, on which many of them are based, have been around for more than thirty years now. Perhaps, therefore, it is time to take stock, trying to trace the development and spread of functionalist ideas and drawing some cautious conclusions as to where the future may lie. As a representative of the “second generation” and drawing on recent publications in journals and monographs on Translation Studies, I provide an overview of where young translation scholars who claim to take a “functionalist” viewpoint find themselves, what they are investigating, and which topics they consider worthy of research. Offering this insider view, I do not pretend, however, to present an objective picture of the functionalist approach nor to exhaustively cover the whole field of functionalism in translation and adjacent fields.

Table of contents

Let us look at the point(s) of departure. The theoretical foundations for what was to become functionalism in Translation Studies were laid by Hans J. Vermeer (skopos theory), Justa Holz-Mänttäri (theory of translational action) and Heinz Göhring (intercultural communication applied to translating and interpreting) in the late 1970s and early 1980s (cf. Vermeer 1978, 1979; Holz-Mänttäri 1981, 1984a; Göhring 1978). Both Vermeer and Holz-Mänttäri view translation (including interpreting) as purposeful communicative interactions, for which action theory provides the theoretical framework. The early texts were almost exclusively written in German and published in journals or by publishers in Germany, with the exception of some of the works by Justa Holz-Mänttäri, which were published in Finland. In Germany, the centre was initially the Germersheim campus of the University of Mainz and later nearby Heidelberg, after Vermeer was appointed in [ p. 27 ]1985 to the newly created Chair of Translation Studies and Portuguese Language and Culture at the Heidelberg University School of Translation and Interpreting. Publications of the primary texts in other languages, mainly English, but also Finnish, Portuguese, and Spanish did not appear until 1986 (see below). In 1989, Andrew Chesterman translated a seminal article by Vermeer for his Readings in Translation Theory, which was reprinted for Venuti’s Translation Studies Reader in 2000 (cf. Vermeer 1989).

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