Book reviewMeaning intranslation (Łódź Studies in Language, vol. 19). Frankfurt am Main: PeterLang GmbH, 2010. 480 pp. ISBN 978-3-631-60105-1 EUR 82.10 USD123.95
Table of contents
This volume is primarily a collection of papers presented over the past 20 years at the joint International Maastricht—Łódź Duo Colloquia on Translation and Meaning, a pair of colloquia which have been held in these two cities in the spring and fall of the same year at five-year intervals. The volume contains a selection of the many papers presented at these conferences, and according to the editors, also some papers that were written especially for the publication of this anniversary volume. Some of the papers were published in earlier versions in the proceedings volumes entitled, Translation and meaning. The aim of the collection is to, “… place some of the ideas of the main representatives in the field in the perspective of time and research advances and thus provide a considerable contribution to Translation Studies.” (Introduction, p. 9).