Measuring translation difficulty: An empirical study
SanjunSun and Gregory M.Shreve
Beijing Foreign Studies University | Kent State University
The purpose of this study was to find a method to measure difficulty in a translation task. Readability formulas have been suggested to be a useful tool and yet this needs to be empirically tested. In this study, NASA Task Load Index, a multidimensional scale for measuring mental workload, was used to assess the level of translation difficulty for the translator. It was found that a text’s readability only partially accounts for its translation difficulty level. Translation quality score was found to be an unreliable indicator of translation difficulty level, while time-on-task was significantly, but weakly, related to translation difficulty level. A formula was developed to predict a text’s translation difficulty level for a translator by using the translator’s pre-translation rating.
Knowing the difficulty level of a translation assignment is important in translation pedagogy, accreditation and research, as well as for the language industry. For instance, in process-oriented translation research, researchers have no standards to refer to when they choose test passages, and the texts used are diverse in terms of text type, length and, possibly, difficulty (see Krings 2001, 74). This makes it hard for one to evaluate the comparability of experimental results between these studies. For example, the use of different translation strategies in terms of type and frequency might vary depending on the translation difficulty level of the texts. Dragsted (2004) found in her empirical study that professional translators would adopt a more novice-like behavior during the translation of a difficult text than during the translation of an easy text. Thus, translation difficulty is an important variable in translation process research.
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