Volume 26, Issue 1 (2014)
Letter to the readersDirk Delabastita and Sandra L. Halverson | pp. 1–2
Vers une historiographie des politiques des traductions en Belgique durant la période françaiseLieven D’hulst et Michael Schreiber | pp. 3–31
Poetry translators and regional vernacular voice: Belli’s Romanesco sonnets in English and ScotsFrancis R. Jones | pp. 32–62
How devoted can translators be? Revisiting the subservience hypothesisHélène Buzelin | pp. 63–97
Measuring translation difficulty: An empirical studySanjun Sun and Gregory M. Shreve | pp. 98–127
Translation, stylistics and To the Lighthouse : A Deictic Shift Theory analysisMassimiliano Morini | pp. 128–145
Ilse Depraetere, ed. Perspectives on Translation QualityReviewed by Sharon O’Brien | pp. 147–150
Christiane Driesen & Haimo-Andreas Petersen, eds. Gerichtsdolmetschen. Grundwissen und -fertigkeitenReviewed by Mira Kadrić | pp. 151–153
Federico M. Federici, ed. Translating Regionalised Voices in AudiovisualsReviewed by Sabien Hanoulle | pp. 154–158
Werner Koller & Henjum Kjetil Berg. Einführung in die ÜbersetzungswissenschaftReviewed by Mary Snell-Hornby and Alice Leal | pp. 159–162
Étude portant sur la contribution de la traduction à la société multilingue dans l’Union européenne and Contribution [sic] of translation to the [sic] multilingual society in the EU. English summaryReviewed by Anthony Pym | pp. 163–167
Book reviews