Book reviewQuantitative Methods in Corpus-Based Translation Studies: A Practical Guide to Descriptive Translation Research (Studies in Corpus Linguistics 51). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2012. X + 361 pp. ISBN 978-90-272-0356-4 € 99.00 / US$ 149.00 (HB)
Table of contents
The purpose of this volume is to “provide a comprehensive guidebook to the essential quantitative methods in corpus-based translation studies” (vii), thus filling a gap in the literature, which still lacks a systematic description of how statistical techniques used in corpus linguistics can be applied to translation research. The volume is introduced by a short preface and divided into four sections: “theoretical explorations,” “essential corpus statistics,” “quantitative explorations of literary translation” and “quantitative explorations of translation lexis,” for a total of 13 chapters. Statistical tables are provided as appendixes, as are a keyword and author index.
Baayen, R. Harald
Baker, Mona
Izquierdo, Marlèn, Knut Hofland, and Øystein Reigem
Li, Defeng, Chunling Zhang, and Kanglong Liu
Kenny, Dorothy
Macken, Lieve, Orphée De Clercq, and Hans Paulussen
[ p. 144 ]