Book review
Cecilia Alvstad, Adelina Hild & Elisabet Tiselius, eds. Methods and strategies of process research: Integrative approaches in Translation Studies
(Benjamins Translation Library 94). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2011. xii, 377 pp.

Reviewed by Lisheng Liu
Table of contents

The past decade has witnessed new developments in translation studies which have shifted its focus to the investigation of translators’ cognitive processes and the interaction between translation, power and politics. As Snell-Hornby (2006, 115) argues, they can be summarized in terms of two “turns”: empirical studies from within versus technology and globalization from without. Being informed by a wealth of methods, research on the translation process tries to unpack the complexities of the translator’s ‘black box’ and to unveil what is going on in the translator’s mind. The book under review, Methods and Strategies of Process Research, is clearly an encouraging step in this direction.

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