Book review
Candace Séguinot, ed. The Translation Process
Toronto: H.G. Publications, School of Translation, York University, 1989. 98 pp. ISBN 0-9694256-0-0 Can $ 12.50

Reviewed by Hannah Amit-Kochavi
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Table of contents

Translation studies are certainly unfolding. In recent years James Holmes' 1972 schematic presentation of the discipline (recently reprinted in Holmes 1988) has been elaborated and refined, offering new vistas for study into translation phenomena. In that scheme, process-oriented studies were subsumed under "pure" descriptive translation studies and confined to "what goes on in a translator's head" (as Krings' 1986 dissertation was then called). The present volume, edited by Professor Candace Séguinot, offers some further perspectives for studying the process of translation, including a broad gamut of translators' practice and experience, accounted for by themselves or by others. The volume reflects some of the work done in both translation studies and translator training at two different universities. It was edited and published at the School of Translation, Glendon College, York University, Toronto (Canada), but it also includes two articles by scholars from the Savonlinna School of Translation Studies, University of Joensuu (Finland). Séguinot's introductory article, "A Process View of Translation", provides the theoretical background of the field, enumerating the various disciplines on which it heavily draws. The author then points out the necessity of incorporating future theoretical findings into translator training. The remaining articles put a varying emphasis on translation theory, translation practice and translator training.

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