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Werner Koller. Einführung in die Übersetzungswissenschaft
Heidelberg-Wiesbaden: Quelle & Meyer, 1992. völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage. 343 pp. ISBN 3-8252-0819-2 (Uni-Taschenbücher, 819).

Reviewed by Wolfram Wilss
Table of contents

    It is a remarkable sign of success when a book on translation research (TR) with its worldwide limited readership can boast four editions within no more than 14 years. This has happened to Koller's Einführung, and the author ought to be congratulated on what is, to my knowledge, a unique achievement (at least in the German-speaking area). After three virtually identical editions in 1979, 1983 and 1987, Koller has now published a heavily updated version. In his preface he writes that the appearance of this fourth edition was delayed as he grew increasingly aware of the fact that mere 'cosmetic' alterations would not be enough; a basic re-conceptualization had become inevitable.

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