New books at a glance
André Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting & the Manipulation of Literary Fame.
London and New York: Routledge, 1992. viii + 176 pp. ISBN 0-415-07699-4 / 0-415-07700-1 (pbk)

Reviewed by Hannah Amit-Kochavi
Haifa, Israel
Table of contents

Prof. Lefevere's new book has an intriguing title and a promising table of contents that divides a rather small volume into 12 different foci. Its style avoids heavy professional jargon, and the respective case-studies lying at the core of each chapter are often interesting and probably new to most educated readers. The periods, languages and cultures referred to are varied, ranging from the classical to the most recent. They deal not only with the routine educated European range of English, French, German, ancient Greek and Latin, but also with such less familiar cultural manifestations as ancient Arabic poetry and modern African poetry. The literary genres discussed are variegated and include drama, verse, diary, anthology and biography.

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[ p. 391 ]References

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