There Is Always a Teller In a Tale

Giuliana Schiavi
Scuola Superiore Interpreti e Traduttori, Vicenza

This paper tracks down the translator's voice in the translated text; sees whether it can be included in a textual structure; and considers whether it can be regarded as part and parcel of a translated text, thus making the latter into something structurally different from an original text. The source is narrative texts, their translations, and the narratological approach to literature description.

Table of contents

Preliminary Note: The two essays which follow, by Giuliana Schiavi and Theo Hermans, were written in parallel, as companion pieces. The authors conferred during the planning and writing, although they each remain responsible for their own texts. There is a division of labour between the two essays. Giuliana Schiavi addresses the theoretical issue of positing and locating the Implied Translator as a counterpart to the notion of the Implied Author. Theo Hermans focusses on particular cases to show the Translator's discursive presence in the translated text itself. (GS/TH)

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