Affective and Attitudinal Factors in Translation Processes

Johanna Laukkanen
Savonlinna School of Translation Studies


The role of affective and attitudinal factors in translation has lately attracted increasing attention within process-oriented translation research. Think-aloud studies show that affective factors play an important part in the decision-making processes of translation. In the present TAP study the affective dimension of translation was researched via evaluative utterances produced by the subject.

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The purpose of the present article is to discuss the importance of affective factors in translation processes. The article is based on a think-aloud protocol study where a professional translator performed a routine and a non-routine type of task. 'Professional translator' in this context refers to a subject who had worked as a translator for several years, and 'routine task' is understood to mean the kind of task that is familiar to the subject from his/her daily work. 'Non-routine task' in turn means practically any assignment that the subject is not very familiar with.

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