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Michael Schreiber. Übersetzung und Bearbeitung: Zur Differenzierung und Abgrenzung des Übersetzungsbegriffs.
Tübingen: Narr, 1993. xii + 353 pp. ISBN 3-8233-5054-4 DM 96 (Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 389).

Reviewed by Juliane House
Table of contents

This book is the author's PhD dissertation (University of Mainz, Germersheim) carried out under the supervision of Jörn Albrecht. As such it has the typical strengths and weaknesses of this genre, with the weaknesses in this case being exacerbated by the fact that it is a German PhD with the particular culture-conditioned characteristics of this text type, i.e. the text is often long-winded, has too many details and lacks the cognitive rigour it takes to pull masses of details together and produce a neat, brief and elegant presentation of the issues and problems tackled. The reader is often unable to see the wood for the trees. The author himself seems to get lost in his own work, as is reflected in his conclusion (pp. 117ff.), where he states that on account of the differentiated structuring of his study and his intricate and extensive cross-referencing, he will not provide a summary of his results, but will simply highlight a few partial ones.

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