Também conhecidos como a Abordagem dos Polissistemas, a Escola da Manipulação, o Eixo Telavive-Lovaina, a Escola Descritiva, Empírica ou Sistémica, ou o Grupo dos Países Baixos, os Estudos Descritivos de Tradução correspondem a uma abordagem descritiva, empírica, interdisciplinar, orientada para o contexto de chegada, que se concentra principalmente no estudo do papel que a tradução desempenha na história cultural. Esta abordagem foi desenvolvida inicialmente no princípio da década de 1970, ganhou ímpeto na década de 1980 e testemunhou uma enorme expansão na década de 1990, continuando a inspirar vários investigadores que identificam como objectivo “ [to] delve into translation as cultural and historical phenomena, to explore its context and its conditioning factors, to search for grounds that can explain why there is what there is” (Hermans 1999: 5). Apesar de serem frequentemente equacionados com o estudo da tradução literária, especialmente na sua fase inicial (ver Literary Studies and Translation Studies), os EDT desenvolveram-se em diversas direcções, incluindo a tradução técnica, a tradução audiovisual e a interpretação, entre outras.
Arrojo, Rosemary
1998“The Revision of the Traditional Gap Between Theory and Practice and the Empowerment of Translation in Modern Times.”The Translator 4 (1): 25–48. TSB
Bassnett, Susan and Trivedi, Harish
(eds)1999Postcolonial Translation: Theory and Practice. London and New York: Routledge. BoP
Ben-Ari, Nitsa
2013 “Taking Up the Challenge of a Non-Prescriptive Approach to Translation.” In The Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies, Carmen Millán & Francesca Bartrina (eds), 151-158. London: Routledge.
Brownlie, Siobhan
2003“Distinguishing Some Approaches to Translation Research. The Issue of Interpretive Constraints.”The Translator 9 (1): 39–64. TSB
Delabastita, Dirk, D’hulst, Lieven and Meylaerts, Reine
(eds)2006Functional Approaches to Culture and Translation. Selected Papers by José Lambert. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. BoP
Even-Zohar, Itamar
1979Papers in Historical Poetics. Tel Aviv: Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics. TSB
Hermans, Theo
(ed.)1985The Manipulation of Literature. Studies in Literary Translation. London/Sydney: Croom Helm. TSB
Hermans, Theo
1999Translation in Systems. Descriptive and System-Oriented Approaches Explained. Manchester: St. Jerome. TSB
Holmes, James S
1988/1994Translated! Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies. Amsterdam: Rodopi. BoP
Holmes, James S
1988/2000“The Name and Nature of Translation Studies.” In The Translation Studies Reader, Lawrence Venuti (ed.), 172–185. London and New York: Routledge. TSB
Lambert, José and van Gorp, Hendrik
1985“On describing translations.” In The Manipulation of Literature. Theo Hermans (ed.), 42–53. London and Sydney: Croom Helm. TSB
McFarlane, John
1953“Modes of Translation”. The Durham University Journal. 45 (3): 77–93..
Niranjana, T
1992Siting Translation: History, Poststructuralism, and the Colonial Context. Berkeley: University of California Press. TSB
Pym, Anthony
1998Method in Translation History. Manchester: St. Jerome. TSB
Simon, Sherry
1996Gender in Translation: Cultural Identity and the Politics of Transmission. London and New York: Routledge. BoP
Toury, Gideon
1980In Search of a Theory of Translation. Tel Aviv: The Porter Institute. TSB
Toury, Gideon
1995Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. BoP
Venuti, Lawrence
1995The Translator’s Invisibility. London and New York: Routledge. BoP