Power and translation
Table of contents
The relationships between translation and power structures of all kinds have attracted significant scholarship in the past several decades. The “power turn” in Translation Studies connects with wider studies of politics, culture, and society as well as with discussions of translation and gender, post-colonial theory, and translation ethics (see Turns of Translation Studies). This article situates research on power and translation with regard to wider discourses in Translation Studies and beyond.
Álvarez, Román & Vidal, M. Carmen-África
Chamberlain, Lori
2004 “Gender and the metaphorics of translation.” In The Translation Studies Reader, Lawrence Venuti (ed.) [2nd ed.], 306–21. New York/London: Routledge.
Cheung, Martha
2006 “From ‘theory’ to ‘discourse’: The making of a translation anthology.” In Translating Others, vol 1, Theo Hermans (ed.), 87–101. Manchester: St. Jerome.
Flotow, Luise von
2007 “Revealing the ‘soul of which nation?’: Translated literature as cultural diplomacy.” In Translation – Reflections, Refractions, Transformations, Paul St-Pierre & Prafulla C. Kar (eds), 187–200. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins BoP. 

Hermans, Theo
1996 “Norms and the determination of translation. A theoretical framework.” In Román -Álvarez & M. Carmen-África Vidal (eds), 25–51. BoP
Inghilleri, Moira
Lefevere, André
1996 “Translation and canon formation: Nine decades of drama in the United States.” In Román Álvarez & M. Carmen-África Vidal (eds), 138–55. TSB
Susam-Sarajeva, Şebnem
Tymoczko, Maria & Gentzler, Edwin
Tymoczko, Maria
Venuti, Lawrence