Relay translation refers to a chain of (at least) three texts, ending with a translation made from another translation: (original) ST > intermediate text (IT) > (end) TT. A plethora of terms has been suggested for this practice, creating a conceptual “mess” (Pym 2011: 80). Pym's recommended “indirect translation”, although widely used, has several competing usages (like content-oriented translation, e.g.); “retranslation”, another ambiguous term, now seems less current in the sense of relay translation (cf. Pym 2011: 90). The term “indirect translation” tends to focus the end product, whereas “relay translation” highlights the process (Dollerup 2000: 23; cf. Relay interpreting). Normally, it is in the end target culture that relay translation will be observed; witness the long-standing research project in Germany on early-modern translation via French into German (summarized in Graeber 2004). There is no equivalent interest in Germany's own mediating role in relation to eastern and northern Europe (nor, for that matter, any comprehensive Anglo-American research on English as an intermediate language in today's world). Consequently, research on relay translation – scant though it may be – tends to emanate from scholars linked to (semi)peripheral languages like Catalan, Chinese, Dutch, Hebrew, the Scandinavian languages etc.
Benjamin, Walter
2004 2nd edition. “The task of the translator.” In The Translation Studies Reader, Lawrence Venuti (ed.), 75–85. London/New York: Routledge. [Translated by Harry Zohn]. TSB
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2000“‘Relay’ and ‘support’ translations.” In Translation in Context, Andrew Chesterman (eds), 17–26. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John BenjaminsTSB.
Gambier, Yves
2003“Working with relay: An old story and a new challenge.” In Speaking in Tongues: Language across Contexts and Users, Luis Pérez González (ed.), 47–66. University of Valencia Press.
Graeber, Wilhelm
2004“‘Englische Übersetzer aus dem Französischen’: Eine Forschungsbilanz der Übersetzungen aus zweiter Hand.” In Die literarische Übersetzung in Deutschland, Armin Paul Frank & Horst Turk (eds), 93–107. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.
Heilbron, Johan
1999“Towards a sociology of translation. Book translations as a cultural world-system.”European Journal of Social Theory 2 (4): 429–444. TSB
Kittel, Harald & Frank, Armin Paul
(eds)1991Interculturality and the Historical Study of Literary Translations. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag. TSB
Pym, Anthony
2011“Translation research terms: A tentative glossary for moments of perplexity and dispute.” In Translation Research Projects 3, Anthony Pym (ed.), 75–110. Tarragona: Intercultural Studies Group. TSB
Qvale, Per
2003From St. Jerome to Hypertext. Translation in Theory and Practice. Manchester/Northampton: St. Jerome. [Translated by Norman R. Spencer]. TSB
2008“Von indirekten zu direkten Beziehungen im finnisch-isländischen Literaturaustausch.”trans-kom. Zeitschrift für Translationswissenschaft und Fachkommunikation 1 (1). [Accessed 24 January 2012]. TSB
Roche, Geneviève
2001Les traductions-relais en Allemagne au XVIIIe siècle. Paris: CNRS Éditions. TSB
Simon, Sherry
2008“Yiddish in America or styles of self-translation.” In Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies. Investigations in homage to Gideon Toury, Anthony Pym (eds), 67–78. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John BenjaminsBoP.
Stackelberg, Jürgen von
1984Übersetzungen aus zweiter Hand. Rezeptionsvorgänge in der europäischen Literatur vom 14. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter.
St André, James
2010“Lessons from Chinese history: Translation as a collaborative and multi-stage process.”TTR 23 (1): 71–94.
Toury, Gideon
1995Descriptive Translation Studies – and beyond. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. BoP
Venuti, Lawrence
1995The Translator's Invisibility – A History of Translation. London/New York: Routledge.
Zaborov, Petr
2011“Die Zwischenübersetzung in der Geschichte der russischen Literatur.” In Übersetzung. Translation. Traduction (HSK 26:3), Harald Kittel (eds), 2066–2073. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
Further reading
Washbourne, Kelly
2013"Nonlinear Narratives: Paths of Indirect and Relay Translation". Meta: journal des traducteurs 58:3 (s. 607–625).