Teaching interpreting / Training interpreters

Franz Pöchhacker
Table of contents

Interpreter training has long been a dominant concern within the field of Interpreting Studies. Whereas a “training paradigm” for conference interpreting was said to have emerged by the end of the twentieth century, the growing diversification of professional domains has challenged the idea of a standard curricular and pedagogical approach. The present article aims to provide an overview of interpreter education across professional domains, modalities and sociocultural traditions, highlighting prototypical models and drawing attention to critical points of controversy and debate. A discussion of basic issues under the headings of institutionalization, academization and diversification will prepare the ground for a brief review of selected curricular and pedagogical topics.

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Further reading

Napier, Jemina
(ed.) 2010International Perspectives on Sign Language Interpreter Education. -Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.  TSBGoogle Scholar
Roy, Cynthia B
(ed.) 2000Innovative Practices for Teaching Sign Language Interpreters. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.  TSBGoogle Scholar
Sawyer, David D
2004Fundamental Aspects of Interpreter Education: Curriculum and Assessment. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. DOI logo  TSBGoogle Scholar