Volume 27, Issue 2/3 (2000)
Editor’s forewordKonrad Koerner | pp. 197–198
Rudolf Engler: A select bibliography of his publicationsE. F. K. Koerner | pp. 199–204
Le développement des idées saussuriennes chez Charles Bally et Albert SechehayeRené Amacker | pp. 205–264
La linguistique générale de Ferdinand de Saussure : Textes et retour aux textesSimon Bouquet | pp. 265–277
Saussurisme et structuralisme dans les années 60–70 en France : Linguistique, théorie littéraire et philosophieJean-Louis Chiss et Christian Puech | pp. 279–288
Rileggendo il terzo corso di linguistica generale di Ferdinand de Saussure (1910–1911)Tullio De Mauro | pp. 289–295
Identities, differences, and analogies: The problem Saussure could not solveRoy Harris | pp. 297–306
The unconscious and the social in SaussureJohn E. Joseph | pp. 307–334
More about SaussureGiulio Lepschy | pp. 335–344
Saussure translatedCarol Sanders | pp. 345–358
Are we all saussureans now?George Wolf | pp. 359–377
Seven grammarians on the ‘ablativus absolutus’Ineke Sluiter | pp. 379–414
El tratamiento del orden de palabras en algunas gramáticas Españoles de los siglos XIX y XXEugenia Casielles Suárez | pp. 415–436
Julia S. Falk, Women, Language and Linguistics: Three American stories from the first half of the twentieth century (London & New York, 1999)Reviewed by Regna Darnell | pp. 437–439
Peter Schmitter, Herausgegeben von, Sprachtheorien der Neuzeit I: Der epistemologische Kontext neuzeitlicher Sprach- und Grammatiktheorien (Tübingen, 1999)Rezensiert von Barbara Kaltz | pp. 440–447
Editor’s end-of-the-year pieceE. F. K. Koerner | p. 448
Publications Received / Ouvrages reçus / Eingegangene Schriftenpp. 449–460
Articles / Aufsätze
Book reviews / Comptes rendus / Besprechungen