Comics are believed to have originated in the US, where the first comic strips were published in the New York World in 1895. Though its roots – the socio-political caricatures of the Briton William Hogarth and the picture stories of the German author Wilhelm Busch – go back to Europe, comics only got their typical form in the wake of industrial developments in the field of mass media at the end of the 19th century. In the 20th century, comics spread from the US first to Europe and then, especially after the Second World War, to the rest of the world. As a result, the global comic market is a translation market, too – “exporters”, like the US, the Franco-Belgian area and Japan, can be distinguished from “importers”, like the German-speaking countries and the Scandinavian countries, as well as from countries where export and import largely balance each other out, like Spain and Italy.
Celotti, Nadine
1997“Langue et images en présence: des espaces langagiers pluriels comme moment de réflexion pour la traductologie contemporaine.”L’histoire et les théories de la traduction, 487–503. Bern/Genève: ASTTI/ETI. TSB
Eisner, Will
1985Comics and sequential art. Tamarac: Poorhouse Press.
Grassegger, Hans
1985Sprachspiel und Übersetzung. Eine Studie anhand der Comic-Serie Astérix. Tübingen: Stauffenburg. TSB
Hunoltstein, Boemund v
1996Manipulative Eingriffe in die deutschen Disney-Comics. Köln: Der Donaldist.
Lanoë, Phillippe
1991Asterix in Britain. Marseille: Bédésup.
Kaindl, Klaus
2004aÜbersetzungswissenschaft im interdisziplinären Dialog. Am Beispiel der Comicübersetzung. Tübingen: Stauffenburg. TSB
Kaindl, Klaus
2004b“Multimodality in the translation of humour in comics.”Perspectives on Multimodality, Eilja Ventola, Cassily Charles & Martin Kaltenbacher (eds), 173–192. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. TSB
Valero Garcés, Carmen
2000“La traducción del cómic: retos, estrategias y resultados.”Trans: Revista de traductología 4: 75–88..
Wienhöfer, Friederike
1980Untersuchungen zur semiotischen Ästhetik des Comic Strip unter der besonderen Berücksichtigung von Onomatopoese und Typographie. Dortmund: Ph.D. Thesis.
Zanettin, Federico
(ed.)2008Comics in Translation. Manchester: St. Jerome. TSB
Further reading
Di Giovanni, Elena
2008“The Winx Club as a Challenge to Globalization. Translating from Italy to the Rest of the World.” In Comics in Translation, Federico Zanettin (ed.), 220–236. TSB
Jüngst, Heike
2008“Translating Manga.” In Comics in Translation, Federico Zanettin (ed.), 50–78. TSB
Kaindl, Klaus
1999“Thump, whizz, poom: A Framework for the Study of Comics under Translation.”Target 11 (2): 263–288. TSB
Rota, Valerio
2008“Aspects of Adaptation. The Translation of Comics Formats.” In Comics in Translation, Federico Zanettin (ed.), 79–98. TSB
Zitawi, Jehan
2008“Disney Comics in the Arab Culture(s). A Pragmatic Perspective.” In Comics in Translation, Federico Zanettin (ed.), 152–171. TSB