Table of contents
Generally speaking, ‘Euro-centrism’ means viewing the world from a European perspective. As this practice is often linked to the European colonization of other parts of the world, the term was coined in the decolonization period. Similar terms expressing a geocultural perspective (although related to different periods and under very different circumstances) are for instance Americentrism, Sinocentrism or Afrocentrism. The use of the term ‘Eurocentrism’ is not typical of Translation Studies only. Similar debates on this topic have been conducted in other scholarly fields to varying degrees of closure, like for instance in the social sciences (the seminal work in media studies by Shohat and Stam 1994 being a case in point).
Bandia, Paul F
2008 Translation as Reparation. Writing and Translation in Postcolonial Africa. Manchester: St. Jerome. TSB
Cheung, Martha
(ed.) 2009
Chinese Discourses on Translation. Positions and Perspectives
. Special issue of The Translator 15 (2).
Delabastita, Dirk
Doorslaer, Luc van & Flynn, Peter
(eds) 2011
Eurocentrism in Translation Studies
. Special issue of Translation and Interpreting Studies 6 (2).
Doorslaer, Luc van
Gaddis Rose, Marilyn
(ed.) 2000 Beyond the Western tradition [Translation Perspectives 11]. Binghamton: State University of New York. TSB
Gambier, Yves & Doorslaer, Luc van
(eds) 2011 [first release 2004] Translation Studies Bibliography, 8th release, approx. 22,000 items. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Gentzler, Edwin
2008 Translation and Identity in the Americas: New Directions in Translation Theory. London/New York: Routledge. BoP
Shohat, Ella & Stam, Robert
Tymoczko, Maria
2006 “Reconceptualizing Western translation theory. Integrating non-Western thought about translation.” In Translating Others, vol. 1, Theo Hermans (ed.), 13–32. Manchester: St. Jerome. TSB
2009 “Why translators should want to internationalize Translation Studies.” The Translator 15 (2): 401–421.
Wakabayashi, Judy & Kothari, Rita
(eds) 2009 Decentering Translation Studies. India and beyond. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Further reading
Susam-Sarajeva, Şebnem
2002 “A ‘multilingual’ and ‘international’ Translation Studies?” In Crosscultural Transgressions. Research Models in Translation Studies II: Historical and Ideological Issues. Theo Hermans (ed.), 193–207. Manchester: St. Jerome. TSB
Tymoczko, Maria