Interpretive approach
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The Interpretive Theory of Translation (ITT) is a coherent construct with high explanatory power, based on practical experience of both interpreting and translation. It was built up little by little, starting from the middle of the 1960s, both to answer the need to know more about the translation process (oral and written) and to meet the requirements of teaching the skills of T&I.
Barbizet, Jacques
Chernov, Ghelly V
2004 Inference and Anticipation in Simultaneous Interpreting. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. BoP
Chesterman, Andrew & Emma Wagner
2002 Can Theory Help Translators? A Dialogue Between the Ivory Tower and the Wordface. Manchester: St. Jerome. TSB
Delisle, Jean
1980 L’analyse du discours comme méthode de traduction. 1980. Ottawa: Presses de l’Université d’Ottawas. Trans. Patricia Logan & Monica Creery. 1988. Translation: an Interpretive Approach. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. TSB
Durieux, Christine
Gile, Daniel
1995 Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. BoP
Henry, Jacqueline
Israël, Fortunato
1990 “Traduction littéraire et théorie du sens.” In Etudes traductologiques, Marianne Lederer (ed.), 29–44. Paris: Minard Lettres Modernes. TSB
1998 “La plénitude du texte.” In Quelle formation pour le traducteur de l’an 2000?, Fortunato Israël (ed.), 251–60. Paris: Didier Erudition. TSB
Kertesz, Andrew
Laplace, Colette
Lederer, Marianne
Nida, Eugene
Nord, Christiane
1992 “Text Analysis in Translator Training.” In Teaching Translation and Interpreting – Training, Talent and Expertise, Cay Dollerup & Anne Loddegaard (eds), 39–48. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. TSB
Pinker Steven
Plassard, Freddie
Roux-Faucard, Geneviève
Seleskovitch, Danica
1968 L’Interprète dans les conférences internationales. Problèmes de langage et de communication. Paris: Minard. Trans. Stephanie Dailey & Norman Mc Millan. 1978. Interpreting for International Conferences. Arlington: Pen & Booth. TSB
1988 “Technical and Literary Translation: a Unifying View.” In Translators and Interpreters Mean Business, Catriona Picken (ed.), 83–88. London: Aslib. TSB
2004 “The Practice and Theory of Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation.” International Encyclopedia of Translation Studies 1: 779–789. Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter. TSB
Seleskovitch, Danica, Lederer, Marianne
1989 Pédagogie raisonnée de l’interprétation. Luxembourg: OPOCE and Paris: Didier Erudition, (20 édition augmentée 2002). Trans. Jacolyn Harmer: A Systematic Approach to Teaching Interpretation. 1995. Silver Spring: RID. TSB
Setton, Robin
1999 Simultaneous Interpretation: a Cognitive-Pragmatic Analysis. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. TSB